32 - Mars in December 2007 (true colors; credits: NASA/HST)
Caption NASA:"In December 2007, the Mars closest approach and opposition will occur within a week of each other. This is an exciting time for astronomers and planetary geologists to image and study our planetary neighbor. On December 18, Mars will be the closest it has been in the last two years, reaching a distance of 55 MMs fom Earth. This series of images was taken with Hubble's Wide Field Planetary Camera 2 on December 1-7, within two weeks of its December 2007 closest approach. Each image shows the Planet rotating about 90° from the next image. This gives astronomers a full-globe look at the Red Planet".
[Top Left] - Mars on Dec. 1, 2007; longitude ~50°
[Top Right] - Mars on Dec. 3, 2007; longitude ~225°
[Bottom Left] - Mars on Dec. 3, 2007; longitude ~320°
[Bottom Right] - Mars on Dec. 7, 2007; longitude ~140°
http : // www. segnidalcielo.it/ wp-content /uploads /2015 /12 /marce1-680x365_c. jpg
Sì lo so, segnali dal cielo non è che sia attendibile, però si possono vedere con Google Mars qui
76 ° 7’57.88 “N 70 ° 32’53.88”.
Io ci sono andato a manina perchè non sono riuscito ad usare le coordinate
Qui c'è un video
https : // www. youtube. com / watch?v = 9C9zLFMnbPM
Provate anche questa
http : // www. segnidalcielo.it/ marte-scoperti- misteriosi-edifici-di- forma- cilindrica/