Risultati della ricerca nelle immagini - "Planum)" |
103-OPP-SOL1184-1N233301531EFF8300P0755R0M1.jpgMorning Lights over Victoria (1) - Sol 118453 visitenessun commentoMareKromium
104-OPP-SOL1184-1N233301582EFF8300P0755L0M1.jpgMorning Lights over Victoria (2) - Sol 118453 visitenessun commentoMareKromium
105-OPP-SOL1184-1N233301633EFF8300P0755R0M1.jpgMorning Lights over Victoria (3) - Sol 118453 visitenessun commentoMareKromium
106-OPP-SOL1184-1N233301683EFF8300P0755L0M1.jpgMorning Lights over Victoria (4) - Sol 118453 visitenessun commentoMareKromium
107-OPP-SOL1184-1N233301734EFF8300P0755L0M1.jpgMorning Lights over Victoria (5) - Sol 118453 visitenessun commentoMareKromium
108-OPP-SOL1184-1P233301872EFF8300P2427R2M1.jpgTwilights over Victoria (1) - Sol 118453 visitenessun commentoMareKromium
109-OPP-SOL1184-1P233302024EFF8300P2427L2M1.jpgTwilights over Victoria (2) - Sol 118453 visitenessun commentoMareKromium
110-OPP-SOL1184-1P233302219EFF8300P2427R2M1.jpgTwilights over Victoria (3) - Sol 118453 visitenessun commentoMareKromium
111-OPP-SOL1184-1P233302419EFF8300P2427L2M1.jpgTwilights over Victoria (4) - Sol 118454 visitenessun commentoMareKromium
Aeolian_Features-DD_and_Dust_Storms-2003_06_02-01.jpgDust Storms and Dust Devils between Syria Planum and Claritas Fossae (Enhanced Absolute Natural Colors; credits for the additional process. and color.: Dr Paolo C. Fienga - Lunexit Team)54 visitenessun commentoMareKromium
Aeolian_Features-Inverted_Channels-EP-MO-20090323a.jpgInverted Channels in Aeolis Planum (Absolute Natural Colors; credits for the additional process. and color.: Dr Paolo C. Fienga - Lunexit Team)53 visiteCaption NASA:"This VIS image shows a portion of the Eastern side of Aeolis Planum.
The Region has been extensively eroded by the wind. Relics of an earlier surface are located in the central part of the image, in the form of Inverted Channels.
This meaning that the material which filled in the Channels is more resistant to the wind than the surrounding materials".
Coord.: 3,0° South Lat. and 149,7° East Long.MareKromium
Aeolian_Features-Windstreaks-20080515a-PCF-LXTT.jpg"V-Shaped" Windstreaks in Meridiani Planum (Natural Colors; credits for the additional process. and color.: Dr Paolo C. Fienga - Lunexit Team)98 visiteCaption NASA:"These windstreaks are located to the North-East of Meridiani Planum. The "tails"point in different directions, indicating that the winds in the Region vary in direction".MareKromium
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