Risultati della ricerca nelle immagini - "Japetus" |
021-vg2_4391335.jpgAnomalies near Japetus (context image)57 visiteNon necessitano particolari commenti per questo gruppo di (possibili) Anomalìe che individuiamo nei pressi di Giapeto, la "luna bicolore". Le riflessioni al riguardo le conoscete - si tratta, con ogni probabilità, di "corpi anomali" in transito - e le obiezioni di massima pure sapete quali sono - si tratta, dicono i più scettici, di fantasiosi e bizzarri image-artifacts: nulla di più.
Ora guardate e poi decidete Voi stessi: la Verità, comunque, è davanti ai Vostri occhi. Sempre.
Iapetus from Voyager 2.jpgJapetus from Voyager 254 visitenessun commento
JAPETUS from 3.000.000 Km.jpgJapetus from Cassini-Huygens - approx. 3.000.000 Km away53 visiteIapetus Data and Statistics
Discovered by = Giovanni Domenico Cassini
Date of discovery = 1671
Mass (kg) = 1.88e+21
Mass (Earth = 1) = 3.1459e-04
Equatorial radius = 730 Km
Equatorial radius (Earth = 1) = 1.1446e-01
Mean density (gm/cm^3) = 1.21
Mean distance from Saturn = 3.561.300 Km
Rotational period (days) = 79.33018
Orbital period (days) = 79,33018
Mean orbital velocity (km/sec) = 3,27
Orbital inclination (degrees) = 14,72°
Escape velocity (km/sec) = 0,586
Visual geometric albedo = 0,2
Magnitude (Vo) = 10,2-11,9
Japetus from 2.900.000 Km - PIA06466_modest.jpgTwo-faced Japetus53 visiteCaption NASA originale:"The dark material that coats one hemisphere of Saturn's moon Iapetus is very dark, as these two processed views of the same frame can demonstrate.
The image on the left has been cleaned of cosmic rays and magnified; in this otherwise un-enhanced view, only a small part of the moon's surface, at the bottom, is visible because it is part of the bright side of Iapetus. (Only the right hand side of Iapetus is illuminated by sunlight.) The same image, shown on the right, has been contrast-enhanced to make visible the part of the illuminated side of Iapetus that is coated with dark material".
Japetus from 5.878.000 Km.jpgJapetus from approx. 5.878.000 Km82 visitenessun commento
Japetus from 6.100.000 Km.jpgJapetus from approx. 6.100.000 Km77 visitenessun commento
Japetus from 6.161.000 Km.jpgJapetus from approx. 6.161.000 Km53 visitenessun commento
Japetus in the darkness-PIA06146_modest.jpgThe night-side of Japetus (from 1,6 MKMs)53 visiteCaption NASA originale:"Japetus, as it has been already said, is mainly famous for some dramatic contrasts in brightness on its surface: the leading hemisphere is as dark as a freshly-tarred street while the trailing hemisphere and poles are almost as bright as fresh snow. Many impact craters can be seen in the bright terrain and in the transition zone between bright and dark and for the first time in parts of the dark terrain. Also visible is a line of mountains that appear as a string of bright dots (see the color images "Sharp views of Japetus"). These mountains were originally detected in Voyager images and might compete in height with the tallest mountains on Earth, Jupiter's moon Io and possibly even Mars. Further observations will be required to precisely determine their heights. Interestingly, the line of peaks is aligned remarkably close to the equator of Japetus".
Japetus-3D.jpgJapetus in 3D54 visiteCaption NASA:"This bizarre, equatorial ridge extending across and beyond the dark, Leading Hemisphere of Japetus gives the two-toned Saturnian moon a distinct walnut shape. With red/blue glasses you can check out a remarkable stereo composition of this extraordinary feature -- based on close-up images from this week's Cassini Spacecraft flyby.
In fact, the ridge's combination of equatorial symmetry and scale, about 20 Km wide and reaching up to 20 Km above the surface, is not known to be duplicated anywhere else in our Solar System. The unique feature was discovered in Cassini images from 2004. It appears to be heavily cratered and therefore ancient, but the origin of the equatorial ridge on Iapetus remains a mystery".MareKromium
Japetus-3D2.jpgJapetus (3D)53 visitenessun commento
Japetus-4228729983-MF-PCF-LXTT.jpgAbsolute Japetus (an Image-Mosaic in Absolute Natural Colors; credits: Drr Marco Faccin and Paolo C. Fienga - Lunexit Team)57 visitenessun commentoMareKromium
Japetus-4230263249_738ebb224f_o.jpgIce Deposits on Japetus (Image-Mosaic - Possible Natural Colors; credits: Dr M. Faccin - Lunexit Team)82 visitenessun commentoMareKromium
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