Risultati della ricerca nelle immagini - "Gusev" |
ESP_013499_1650-0.jpgHusband Hill - Gusev Crater (CTX Frame- Natural Colors; credits: Lunexit)54 visitenessun commentoMareKromium
ESP_013499_1650-1.jpgSpirit near Home Plate (EDM n.1 - Natural - but enhanced - Colors; credits: Lunexit)72 visitenessun commentoMareKromium
ESP_013499_1650-2.jpgDust Devil inside Gusev Crater (edm n.2 - Natural - but enhanced - Colors; credits: Lunexit)83 visiteQuesto EDM - che ci mostra un Dust Devil durante la sua corsa sulla Pianura di Gusev Crater - è stato realizzato dalla NASA.
L'importanza del frame, come ormai sapete, deriva dal fatto che il DD è stato ripreso in contemporanea da due punti di osservazione privilegiati: dall'orbita, grazie alla Sonda MRO, e dalla Superficie, grazie al MER Spirit.
Tutto fantastico, sicuramente.
Ci preme però sottolineare come il "taglio" della subimage in questione sia stato fatto in maniera tale da "eliminare" la visione della possibile Silver Sphere, presente a poco più di un centinaio di metri dal DD (Silver Sphere che è stata invece localizzata dal nostro Dr Faccin, tramite l'analisi del frame originale, nella sua versione in JP2).
Meditateci sopra...MareKromium
ESP_021569_1650-PCF-LXTT.jpgOver the Columbia Hills (Absolute Natural Colors; credits: Dr Paolo C. Fienga - Lunexit Team)306 visiteAcquisition date: 04 March 2011
Mars Local Time (M.L.T.): 15:11 (Early Afternoon)
Latitude (centered): 14,6° South
Longitude (East): 175,6°
Spacecraft Altitude: approx. 264 Km (163,944 miles)
Original Image Scale Range: 26,4 cm/pixel (with 1 x 1 binning) so objects ~79 cm across are resolved
Map Projected Scale: 25 cm/pixel and North is up
Emission Angle: 2,9°
Sun-Surface-Spacecraft Angle (i.e.: Phase Angle): 48,7°
Solar Incidence Angle (S.I.A.): 46°, with the Sun about 44° above the Local Horizon
Solar Longitude: 247,7° - Northern AutumnMareKromium
ESP_021569_1650_RED_abrowse-PCF-LXTT-1.jpgOver the Columbia Hills (Natural Colors; credits: Dr Paolo C. Fienga - Lunexit Team)230 visiteAcquisition date: 04 March 2011
Mars Local Time (M.L.T.): 15:11 (Early Afternoon)
Latitude (centered): 14,6° South
Longitude (East): 175,6°
Spacecraft Altitude: approx. 264 Km (163,944 miles)
Original Image Scale Range: 26,4 cm/pixel (with 1 x 1 binning) so objects ~79 cm across are resolved
Map Projected Scale: 25 cm/pixel and North is up
Emission Angle: 2,9°
Sun-Surface-Spacecraft Angle (i.e.: Phase Angle): 48,7°
Solar Incidence Angle (S.I.A.): 46°, with the Sun about 44° above the Local Horizon
Solar Longitude: 247,7° - Northern AutumnMareKromium
ESP_021569_1650_RED_abrowse-PCF-LXTT-2.jpgOver the Columbia Hills (Enhanced Natural Colors; credits: Dr Paolo C. Fienga - Lunexit Team)194 visiteAcquisition date: 04 March 2011
Mars Local Time (M.L.T.): 15:11 (Early Afternoon)
Latitude (centered): 14,6° South
Longitude (East): 175,6°
Spacecraft Altitude: approx. 264 Km (163,944 miles)
Original Image Scale Range: 26,4 cm/pixel (with 1 x 1 binning) so objects ~79 cm across are resolved
Map Projected Scale: 25 cm/pixel and North is up
Emission Angle: 2,9°
Sun-Surface-Spacecraft Angle (i.e.: Phase Angle): 48,7°
Solar Incidence Angle (S.I.A.): 46°, with the Sun about 44° above the Local Horizon
Solar Longitude: 247,7° - Northern AutumnMareKromium
ESP_021925_1650_RED_abrowse-00.jpgDust Devil near Spirit (CTX Frame - Absolute Natural Colors; credits for the additional process. and color.: Dr Paolo C. Fienga - Lunexit Team) 215 visitenessun commentoMareKromium
ESP_021925_1650_RED_abrowse-01-PCF-LXTT.jpgDust Devil near Spirit (EDM - Absolute Natural Colors; credits for the additional process. and color.: Dr Paolo C. Fienga - Lunexit Team) 385 visitenessun commentoMareKromium
HomePlate-s1200095_home_plate_resolution_065mt.jpgHome Plate, from orbit54 visitenessun commentoMareKromium
Home_Plate-PIA12205.jpgSpirit at Home Plate57 visiteIn this view from orbit, the pale circular shape in the center is a low plateau called "Home Plate", about 80 meters (about 260 feet) across. The bright dot just to the left of Home Plate at the 9 o'clock position is NASA's MER Spirit. North is toward the top.
The view is a portion of an image taken on June 13, 2009, by the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) camera on NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. At that date, Spirit had been embedded for more than a month in a patch of soft soil called "Troy".
During the subsequent 3 months, Spirit studied the unusually layered soil at the site while engineers used test rovers at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory to assess possible maneuvers for getting Spirit away from Troy.
The site is at 14,6° South Latitude and 175,5° East Longitude. Home Plate is in the inner basin of the Columbia Hills range, inside Mars' Gusev Crater. Spirit has been exploring the Columbia Hills and nearby features since January 2004.MareKromium
Horizon-Columbia_Hills.jpgApproaching the Hills (by Dr Paolo C. Fienga)77 visitenessun commentoMareKromium
OPP-SOL2471-1P347544960EFFB0X1P2370R2M2-IT-LXTT-00.jpgSmoke Emission or just a Camera Artifact? - Sol 2471 (CTX Frame - credits for the research: Ivana Tognoloni - Lunexit Team)118 visiteDalla nostra Amica e Senior Partner, Ivana Tognoloni, un ennesimo spunto di riflessione: la chiazza biancastra, e con pixellatura anomala rispetto al resto (rectius: alla quasi totalità) del frame, è un nuovo tipo di artefatto fotografico (---> camera artifact) oppure potrebbe (e sottolineiamo POTREBBE) trattarsi dell'evidenza di un fenomeno reale di un qualche tipo (eventualmente un fenomeno vulcanico - i.e.: emissione di fumi/vapori - oppure la conseguenza di un recentissimo impatto meteorico - e la texture della parte bassa del frame, proprio al di sotto della chiazza chiara sembrerebbe confermarlo)?MareKromium
868 immagini su 73 pagina(e) |
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