Risultati della ricerca nelle immagini - "Endurance" |
MorningLights.jpgMorning Lights...94 visiteNel quadro delle innumerevoli opinioni sulle apparenze di Marte (ovvero sul come un occhio umano vedrebbe il Panorama Marziano "da" Marte), ci piace inserire questa nuova elaborazione ottenuta dai nostri due (bravissimi) Tecnici dell'Immagine: luci del mattino (un "cupo" e nebbioso mattino) sull'ormai lontano Endurance Crater.
Assunzioni di partenza: elevata O.A., cielo parzialmente coperto da nuvole stratiformi poste ad altezze comprese fra i 3 ed i 5 Km, luminosità di base del Sole - che è ancora bassissimo sull'orizzonte - pari ad 1/3-1/4 della luminosità media di un'alba terrestre, colore dominante di base e di fondo: arancio/marrone.
OPP-SOL000-A-merb_landing_site.jpgDown to Mars! The descent phase of Opportunity: Endurance from atop (4)92 visitenessun commento
OPP-SOL000-B-merb_descent.jpgDown to Mars! The descent phase of Opportunity: Endurance from atop (5)96 visitenessun commento
OPP-SOL0091-1P136264401EFF1500P2434L2M1.jpgEndurance Crater's Rim on Sight! - Sol 91 (Virtual Illumination; credits for the additional process. and color.: Dr Paolo C. Fienga - Lunexit Team)58 visitenessun commentoMareKromium
OPP-SOL0091-1P136278174EFF1600P2441L7M1.jpgEndurance Crater's Rim on Sight! - Sol 91 (Virtual Illumination; credits for the additional process. and color.: Dr Paolo C. Fienga - Lunexit Team)62 visitenessun commentoMareKromium
OPP-SOL0094-1-3D.jpgEndurance Rim, from about 100 meters - Sol 94 (Hi-Def3-D; False Colors - credits and Copyright: Dr G. Barca and Lunar Explorer Italia)54 visiteEd anche questa immagine è - semplicemente - spettacolare: osservate, infatti, la leggera ondulazione del suolo ed i minuscoli "hollows" che caratterizzavano gli ultimi 100 metri (circa) di distanza che passano fra Opportunity ed il bordo esterno del Cratere Endurance...MareKromium
OPP-SOL0096-1-3D.jpgEndurance Rim - Sol 96 (Hi-Def3-D; Extremely Enhanced Natural Colors - credits and Copyright: Dr G. Barca and Lunar Explorer Italia)55 visitenessun commentoMareKromium
OPP-SOL0099-1-3D.jpgEndurance Rim - Sol 99 (Hi-Def3-D; False Colors - credits and Copyright: Dr G. Barca and Lunar Explorer Italia)54 visiteUna nuova e splendida visione del bordo interno (Inner Rim) dell'(ormai) lontano Cratere Endurance...MareKromium
OPP-SOL0111.jpgOn the Edge of Endurance Crater - Sol 111 (by Dr . Faccin)54 visitenessun commentoMareKromium
OPP-SOL0193.jpgThe Dunefield inside Endurance Crater - Sol 193 (by Dr M. Faccin)54 visitenessun commentoMareKromium
OPP-SOL032-PIA05484-LUNEXIT_STYLE.jpgSkyline, with Endurance Crater in the distance - Sol 32 (Absolute Natural Colors; credits for the additional process. and color.: Dr Paolo C. Fienga - Lunexit Team)169 visitenessun commentoMareKromium
OPP-SOL032-PIA05484-NASA_STYLE.jpgSkyline, with Endurance Crater in the distance - Sol 32 (Approx. True Colors; credits for the additional process. and color.: Dr Paolo C. Fienga - Lunexit Team)168 visiteCaption NASA:"This image taken by the Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity's PanCam shows the Eastern Plains that stretch beyond the small Crater where the Rover Landed. In the distance, the Rim of a larger Crater dubbed "Endurance" can be seen. This mosaic was taken on the 32nd Martian Day, or Sol, of the Rover's mission and spans 20° of the Local Horizon. It was taken while Opportunity was parked at the North end of the Outcrop, in front of the rock region dubbed "El Capitan", and facing East.
The features seen at the horizon are the near and far rims of "Endurance," the largest crater within about 6 Km (approx. 4 miles) of the Lander. Using orbital data from the Mars Orbiter Camera on NASA's Mars Global Surveyor Spacecraft, scientists estimated the crater to be approx. 160 meters (175 yards) in diameter, and about 720 meters (half a mile) away from the Lander. The highest point visible on Endurance is the highest point on the far Inner Wall of the Crater; the Sun is illuminating the inside of the Wall itself.ù
Between the location where the image was taken at "El Capitan" and "Endurance" are the flat, smooth Meridiani Plains, which scientists believe are blanketed in the Iron-bearing mineral called Hematite. The dark horizontal feature near the bottom of the picture is a small, approx. 5-meter (16-feet) Crater, only 50 meters (164 feet) from Opportunity's present position. When the Rover leaves the Crater some 2 to 3 weeks from now, Endurance will be the destinations".MareKromium
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