Risultati della ricerca nelle immagini - "Amatorial" |
1_-_Milky_Way.jpgThe Milky Way "Band"104 visite"...When they saw that the Star had stopped, they were overwhelmed with joy..."
- Matthew, 2:10MareKromium
ARP-227.jpgARP 227 - Galaxy System in the Pisces Constellation88 visite"...Gli uomini si dividono in due categorie: quelli che lo hanno capito, e gli altri..."
Émile Michel CioranMareKromium
Abell_21.jpgAbell 21 - The "Medusa Nebula"80 visite"Vale. - Valete Omnes. - Vive Valeque."
"Stà bene. - State bene tutti. - Vivete e state bene."
(forme usuali di saluto, comuni in chiusura di lettere)MareKromium
Albategnius-1.jpgAlbategnius Crater (1)135 visiteAlabategnius: un grande cratere del diametro di circa 120 km e con pareti (o murate) che arrivano sino a 4000 mt. Le sue coordinate sono: Lat. 12° Sud e Long. 4° Est. La sua posizione è nella Regione Centrale della Luna, una Regione caratterizzata (in buona misura) da grandi bacini d'impatto.
Albateignus non è difficile da localizzare - leggermente ad Est del Cratere Ptolemaeus.
Albategnius-2.jpgAlbategnius Crater (2)121 visiteAlbategnius (Al-Battani, Muhammad ibn Jabir) (approx. 850-929)
An Iraqi prince, born in Batan, Mesopotamia (Iraq), who was the leading Astronomer and Mathematician of his time. He drew up improved tables of the Sun and Moon, measured the eccentricity of Earth’s orbit and the inclination of Earth’s Equator to its orbital plane. He was capable of making an extremely accurate measurement of the length of the Earth year - which was also used in the Gregorian reform of the Julian Calendar. His observations at Rakku, made over (probably) a 40-year period, were summarized in his work "Movements of the Stars" (first published in Europe in 1537).
Thanks to his contribution, Johannes Hevelius (1611-1687) was able to theorize and discover the secular variation in the Moon’s motion.
Apollo 11 Landing Site-00.jpgThe Apollo 11 Landing Site (1)153 visitenessun commento
Apollo 11 Landing Site-03 lab..jpgThe Apollo 11 Landing Site (2)153 visitenessun commento
Aquarius-2.jpgAquarius Region76 visite"...La qualità e l'efficienza di un Sistema Giuridico si misurano (anche) dalla quantità media esistente di contenzioso; la qualità e l'effìcienza di un Sistema Giudiziario, d'altro canto, dipendono (in larga misura) dalla qualità e dall'efficienza del Sistema Giuridico..."
P.C. Floegers - "Conversations"
Aurora_Borealis~0.jpgAuroral Corona54 visiteCaption NASA, da "NASA - Picture of the Day" del giorno 28 Luglio 2009:"Few Auroras show this level of detail. Above, a standard digital camera captured a particularly active and colorful Auroral Corona that occurred last week above Alberta, Canada. With a shape reminiscent of a flower, the spectacular Aurora had an unusually high degree of detail. The vivid green and purple auroral colors are caused by high Atmospheric Oxygen and Hydrogen reacting to a burst of incoming electrons. Many photogenic Auroras have been triggered from a Solar Wind Stream that recently passed the Earth. The Auroras were unexpected because the initiating Sun has been unusually quiet lately".MareKromium
Barnard-092.jpgBarnard 92 and Pluto90 visite"...Il plagio è la base di tutte le letterature..."
Jean GiraudouxMareKromium
Beta_Andromedae.jpgBeta Andromedae60 visite"...Bear with one another and, if anyone has a complaint against another, forgive each other; just as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive..."
- Colossians; 3:13MareKromium
Big Dipper-1.jpgBig Dipper58 visite"...Solem e Mundo tollere videntur qui Amicitiam e Vita tollunt..."
"...Coloro che vogliono bandire l'Amicizia dalla Vita sono le stesse persone che vorrebbero cancellare il Sole dal Giorno..."
Caption originale:"A well-known asterism in Northern Skies, The Big Dipper is easy to recognize even when viewed upside down. Part of the larger constellation of Ursa Major, the bright dipper stars above are named Dubhe, Merak, Phecda, Megrez, Alioth, Mizar/Alcor and Alkaid.
Of course, stars in any given constellation are unlikely to be physically related. But surprisingly, most of the Big Dipper stars do seem to be headed in the same direction as they plough through space, a property they share with other stars spread out over an even larger area across the sky. Their measured common motion suggests that they all belong to a loose, nearby star cluster, thought to be on average only about 75 LY away and up to 30 LY across. The cluster is more properly known as the Ursa Major Moving Group".
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