Mars Opportunity Anomalies and Maps
ZD-ENDMAP-12-WC-01-endurance-B127R1.jpgDetailed map of Endurance Crater185 visitenella Sezione "Walking on Mars" ci sono decine di immagini di Endurance Crater, riprese da svariati punti di vista e da angolazioni ogni volta diverse.
Questa Mappa Vi può essere di aiuto per capire meglio, per ogni dettaglio visto, il punto esatto di Endurance Crater in cui il dettaglio in questione si trova.
Per cui... Buon lavoro!
ZE-ENDMAP-detailed.jpgDetailed Map of Endurance Crater168 visiteCaption NASA originale:"This overview of "Endurance Crater" traces the path of the Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity from sol 94 (April 29, 2004) to sol 205 (August 21, 2004). The route charted to enter the crater was a bit circuitous, but well worth the extra care engineers took to ensure the rover's safety".
ZF-Endurance_full traverse_205-B235R1.jpgOpportunity's complete "Traverse Map" up to Sol 205161 visiteMappa aggiornata al Sol 205 e relativa alla Traversata Marziana posta in essere da Opportunity.
Il cammino di questo Rover, a differenza di quanto è accaduto ed accade a Spirit, procede molto più "tranquillamente", essendo la Zona di Meridiani Planum del tutto priva (almeno in apparenza) delle asperità e degli ostacoli (delle vere e proprie minacce per l'incolumità del Rover) che invece intralciano la marcia di Spirit. Comunque sia, entrambe le Missioni - come già si è avuta occasione di dire - sono un "successo" e verranno proseguite per (almeno) altri 6 mesi e comunque fino a che i due Rover non avranno smesso di dare "segni di vita".
ZG-Opportunity-Full_Traverse_Sol324-OSU-B330R1_br2.jpgOpportunity's full traverse up to the Heat-Shield156 visiteCaption NASA originale:"Opportunity is approaching the Heat Shield that protected the Rover from frictional high temperatures during descent through the martian atmosphere in January 2004. The spacecraft carrying the Rover jettisoned the Heat-Shield just prior to landing. This orbital view shows the course the Rover drove from its landing to its 324th Sol (Dec. 21, 2004), including the historic path of Opportunity's 6 months of exploration inside Endurance Crater. Opportunity drove 90.9 meters (such as 298 feet) on sol 324, bringing its total odometry to 1.997.8 meters (such as 1,24 miles)".
ZH-south-A357R1_br2.jpgHeading South!129 visiteCaption NASA originale:"After NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity finishes examining its Heat-Shield, the rover team plans to direct Opportunity southward toward a round feature dubbed "Vostok," about 1,2 Km (three-fourths of a mile) away. The plan is to check out small craters along the way.
This image is from the Mars Orbiter Camera aboard NASA's Mars Global Surveyor. North is up, and the big circle at the top is "Endurance Crater" .
ZI-Mapfromorbit-R1602188annot100-B357R1_br2.jpgThe path of Opportunity (as seen from orbiting MGS)186 visiteCaption NASA originale:"The image was acquired on April 26, 2004, during Opportunity's 91st Sol. That was the first day of Opportunity's extended mission (...) The tracks made by Opportunity on the sandy surface of Meridiani Planum are not quite as visible from orbit as are the tracks made in Gusaev Crater by the other Mars Exploration Rover, Spirit. A dustier surface at the Spirit site increases contrast between the tracks and the surrounding surfaces. Indeed, some parts of the track made by Opportunity are not visible in this image".
ZL-MERB_Traverse_Map_Sol_383-B388R1_br2.jpgThe "march" of Opportunity up to Sol 383139 visiteCaption NASA originale:"NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity drove a total of 2.801 meters (approx. 1,74 miles) between its landing in January 2004 and its 383rd Sol (Feb. 20, 2005). This map on an image taken by the Mars Orbiter Camera on NASA's Mars Global Surveyor shows the course the rover drove during that period. Recently, Opportunity has been making rapid progress from "Endurance Crater" toward exploration targets farther south".
L'obbiettivo - come già ci era stato anticipato dalla NASA qualche tempo fa (vedi la Mappa ZH-South-A357R1) - è il cratere "Vostok".
Noi, però, vorremmo capire (se possibile) il motivo che sta alla base di tale scelta, ma non fraintendeteci: questa non è una contestazione mossa alla NASA e relativa ai suoi criteri di scelta dei target (non ci permetteremmo mai...); è solo una legittima curiosità.
Una curiosità che, come tante altre, non sarà soddisfatta.
ZM-S1-ToVictoria-PIA07506_fig2.jpgFrom the Heat-Shield to Voyager Crater138 visiteCaption NASA originale:"As of the Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity's 413th Sol, (March 23, 2005), the robot had driven a total of 4,62 Km (approx. 2,87 miles) since. The red line on this image traces the Rover's route. The base image is a mosaic combining images from the Mars Observer Camera on NASA's Mars Global Surveyor orbiter, the Thermal Emission Imaging System on NASA's Mars Odyssey orbiter and Opportunity's own Descent Image Motion Estimation System".
ZN-ToVictoria-PIA07506_fig2.jpgFrom Voyager Crater to Erebus Crater126 visiteCaption NASA originale:"The Rover has been making rapid progress southward since it finished examining its jettisoned Heat-Shield on Sol 357 (Jan. 24, 2005, one year after landing). Scientists are eager for Opportunity to reach an area to the south called the "Etched Terrain" (to etch---->incidere) which appears mottled in the map's base images and might offer access to different layers of bedrock than what the Rover has seen so far".
ZO-ToVictoria-PIA07506_fig1.jpgFrom Erebus Crater to Victoria Crater (through the "Etched Terrain")153 visiteCaption NASA originale:"As of the Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity's 414th Sol, (March 24, 2005), the robot had driven a total of 4,81 Km (such as 2,99 miles) since landing. In this two-month period, Opportunity drove 2,69 Km (approx. 1,67 miles).
As landmarks along the route, are used craters that the Rover Team "informally" named after Ships which carried out historic voyages of exploration".
ZP-MERB_Traverse_Map_Sol413_all-A441R1_br2.jpgOpportunity: Yesterday - Today - Tomorrow113 visitenessun commento
ZQ-MERB-2_528_2.jpgOpportunity's Traverse Map through Sol 530117 visiteUna Mappa interessante ma che richiede un piccolo commento: è un peccato che da questa immagine non si riescano a cogliere le "linee" disegnate dai Side-Winders.
Se fosse possibile (almeno) intravederli, infatti, i passaggi del Rover da canale a canale (from through to through) - dato e premesso che ad (e per) ogni cresta di Side-Winder, e cioè la parte più difficile da superare, fa seguito un avvallamento, o through, o canale - risulterebbero, a nostro parere, molto più chiari e comprensibili.
Ora come ora e con questo tipo di Mappa, invece, la marcia del Rover Opportunity verso Erebus Crater ('via Erebus Highway' - che qui non si vede nè si intuisce) appare di comprensione piuttosto difficile .
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