Apollo 15: The Misteries Of Mount Hadley
APOLLO 15 AS 15 82-11122 HR.jpgAS 15-82-11122 - Elbow and S. George Crater (HR)214 visiteOriginal caption:"165:21:14 MT. This frame from Jim's Station 9 pan is an excellent picture toward the South showing the bend of the rille near Elbow Crater".
APOLLO 15 AS 15 82-11122 LBL.jpgAS 15-82-11122 - Elbow and S. George Crater (lab)275 visitenessun commento
APOLLO 15 AS 15 82-11123 HR-1.jpgAS 15-82-11123 - S. George Crater (HR)171 visitenessun commento
APOLLO 15 AS 15 82-11129.jpgAS 15-82-11129 - Is it safe to park here?!?...213 visiteOriginal caption:"165:27:02 MT. Jim's "locator" to the Rover from the "fragment with a great number of vesicles". Dave is holding the 500-mm lens and is examining the far wall of the rille.
Scan courtesy NASA Johnson.
APOLLO 15 AS 15 82-11131 HR.jpgAS 15-82-11131 - Flat Rock (HR)371 visiteCaption NASA originale:"Cross-Sun of the flat rock at Station 9 from the north, showing two prominent horizontal lineations and the parallel frothy, vesicular layer on top. Remarkably, there is no discussion of this rock in the Apollo 15 Preliminary Science Report".
Nota: avete letto bene. Della roccia - forse - più enigmatica fra quelle incontrate dall'equipaggio dell Apollo 15 durante i Moon-Walks NON si parla (...there is no discussion...) nel fondamentale documento che risponde al nome di "Apollo 15 - Preliminary Science Report".
E bisogna anche dire che sono stati onesti a dircelo!...
Nota: più che una "flat-rock" (---->roccia piatta) a noi questa roccia sembra la parte superiore di una struttura parzialmente sepolta o, addirittura, un frammento di una struttura molto più complessa ed ora in rovina...
APOLLO 15 AS 15 82-11131.jpgAS 15-82-11131 - Flat Rock968 visitenessun commento
APOLLO 15 AS 15 82-11142 HR.jpgAS 15-82-11142 - Outcrop and Gnomon (HR)212 visiteOriginal caption:"165:46:17 MT. Down-Sun "before" of the bedrock sampling location at Station 9a near the edge of Hadley Rille. Dave and Jim have placed the Gnomon on top of the outcrop".
APOLLO 15 AS 15 82-11147.jpgAS 15-82-11147 - St George Crater and boulders (St. 9A)210 visitenessun commento
APOLLO 15 AS 15 82-11164 HR-2.jpgAS 15-82-11164 - Great Scott! (HR)230 visiteOriginal caption:"166:09:44 MT. (...) this is a "before" of sample 15555, generally known as 'Great Scott', a 9,6 Kg piece of basalt and the largest Apollo 15 sample.
The Apollo 15 Photographic Index incorrectly indicates that this picture was taken at Station 10.
Scan courtesy NASA Johnson".
APOLLO 15 AS 15 82-11168.jpgAS 15-82-11168 - Kicking dust...677 visiteIl titolo di questo simpatico frame è auto-esplicativo; basta guardare che cosa sta facendo l'Astronauta!
APOLLO 15 AS 15 82-11173.jpgAS 15-82-11173 - The "face" of Mt Hadley169 visiteOriginal caption:"166:18:56 MT.
This frame from Jim's Station 10 pan shows the in-bound Rover tracks coming in from the right, with the fully-lit Western "face" of Mt. Hadley, in the distance.
Scan courtesyNASA Johnson".
APOLLO 15 AS 15 82-11178 V-HR-detail mgnf.jpgAS 15-82-11178 - Possible "Anomaly" over the Hadley Delta (St. 10) detail mgnf309 visiteDettaglio di un corpo squadrato e sagomato che potrebbe essere sia un difetto della pellicola, sia un'Anomalìa vera e propria. A sensazione, propendiamo per il photoartifact, però non si può mai dire...
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