A Tribute To Mars Global Surveyor
Craters-Holden_Crater-5-M0302733Det.jpgThe "White Cliffs of Holden Crater"57 visiteEd a chiusura della panoramica sul fondo del Cratere Holden, ecco un detail mgnf (courtesy of MU) che ci mostra, sia pure rovesciate di 180° rispetto all'angolo visuale della Sonda MGS (rovesciamento effettuato solo per consentirVi una visione migliore dello spettacolo), le "Bianche Scogliere del Cratere Holden" - Marte.
Craters-Kaiser_Crater-PCF-LXTT-01.jpgKaiser Crater (Absolute Natural Colors; credits for the additional process. and color.: Dr Paolo C. Fienga - Lunexit Team) 158 visiteOriginal caption:"As the MGS Primary Mission drew to an end, the Southern Hemisphere of Mars was in the depths of Winter. At high latitudes, it is dark most - if not all - of the day. Even at middle latitudes, the Sun shines only thinly through a veil of Water and Carbon Dioxide Ice Clouds and the ground is so cold that Carbon Dioxide Frosts have formed. Kaiser Crater (located at approx. 47° South Latitude and 340° West Longitude) is one such place. At a latitude comparable to Seattle, Washington, Duluth, Minnesota, or Helena, Montana, Kaiser Crater is studied primarily because of the sand Dunefield found within the confines of its Walls (lower center of the MOC image). The normally dark-gray or blue-black sand can be seen in this image to be shaded with light-toned frost. Other parts of the Crater are also frosted (...)".
Craters-Korolev_Crater-PIA06896-PCF-LXTT.jpgWave Clouds off Korolev Crater (Absolute Natural Colors; credits for the additional process. and color.: Dr Paolo C. Fienga - Lunexit Team)76 visiteCaption NASA:"This red wide angle Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) image shows a wavy Cloud Pattern formed in the lee of Korolev Crater, which is located near 72,8° North and 195,7° West (Vastitas Borealis Region). Korolev Crater is about 85 km (approx. 53 mi) in diameter and named for Sergei P. Korolev, a pioneering Russian rocket designer and engineer who died in the mid-1960s. The image, acquired in late Northern Summer, is illuminated by sunlight from the lower left".MareKromium
Craters-Kunowsky_Crater-2004_06-PCF-LXTT.jpgFrost and Wavy Clouds on Kunowsky Crater (Absolute Natural Colors; credits for the additional process. and color.: Dr Paolo C. Fienga - Lunexit Team)204 visiteCaption NASA originale:"This red wide angle MGS-MOC image, acquired in March 2004, shows Kunowsky Crater ringed by seasonal Frost. Kunowsky Crater is about 67 Km (~42 mi) in diameter. Wavy Clouds form to the East of the Crater in early Spring as winds circulate from West to East. The Crater is located at about 57,1° North Lat. and 9,7° West Long.". MareKromium
Craters-Kunowsky_Crater-2004_06.jpgFrost and Wavy Clouds on Kunowsky Crater (Original NASA/MGS/MSSS b/w Frame)77 visiteCaption NASA originale:"This red wide angle MGS-MOC image, acquired in March 2004, shows Kunowsky Crater ringed by seasonal Frost. Kunowsky Crater is about 67 Km (~42 mi) in diameter. Wavy Clouds form to the East of the Crater in early Spring as winds circulate from West to East. The Crater is located at about 57,1° North Lat. and 9,7° West Long.".
Craters-Lau_Crater-M07_4748_4749-PCF-LXTT-00.jpgFeatures and Proximities of Lau Crater (CTX Frame - Absolute Natural Colors; credits for the additional process. and color.: Dr Paolo C. Fienga - Lunexit Team) 177 visiteCaption NASA:"The Martian Southern Hemisphere was nearly 2 months into its Spring Season when this picture was taken by the Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) on September 25, 1999. The scene covers a vast, Frost-coated Plain located South of the martian Antarctic Circle. The icy Terrain in the image has an almost pastel-like character, owing to the mixture of reddish Dust both on, in, and under the white Frost. The Frost - mostly frozen water at this time of year - is left over from Winter, which ended on August 2, 1999. One Martian Year is about 687 Earth days long, thus each of the Planet's 4 seasons are nearly twice as long as seasons on Earth.
The largest Crater visible in the upper left of the frame is Lau Crater, named for the Danish Astronomer, Hans E. Lau (1879-1918). The Dark Spot near the center of the image has no name, and its origin is unknown. The picture covers an area about 1.020 Km across by approximately 1.240 Km down.
The center is located near 76° South Lat. and 97° West Long.; North is toward the upper right. Sunlight illuminates the scene from the upper left".MareKromium
Craters-Lau_Crater-M07_4748_4749-PCF-LXTT-01.jpgBizarre-looking "Dark Spot" near Lau Crater (EDM - Absolute Natural Colors; credits for the additional process. and color: Dr Paolo C. Fienga - Lunexit Team)197 visiteLa chiazza scura e senza nome che la NASA stessa definisce di "natura sconosciuta" potrebbe essere l'evidenza, secondo alcuni Ricercatori Americani ed Europei, di una minuscola area di Marte con "vegetazione". Si, avete letto bene: vegetazione, di un qualche tipo. In un'altra immagine della stessa zona, la macchia scura appare di colore verdastro e non nero. E' del tutto evidente che i sostenitori dell'idea che si tratti di vegetazione (si, ma che tipo?) ritengono che l'immagine NASA sia manipolata, mentre la NASA sostiene che i colori che vedete sono "almost real" e quindi la macchia scura, comunque, non è (nè potrebbe comunque essere) vegetazione.
Questi sono i dati e le informazioni disponibili: come vedete, c'è materiale su cui riflettere...MareKromium
Craters-Lomonosov_Crater.jpgLomonosov Crater in Wintertime79 visiteCaption NASA originale:"On April 20, 2000 (Wintertime on Mars), the Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) onboard Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) captured this view of a chilly Lomonosov Crater. The rims of the crater appear white because they are covered with wintertime frost. A dark patch just right of center on the crater floor is a sand dune field. Both low-lying ground fogs (fuzzy, patchy areas around the lower perimeter of the crater) and higher cloud layers (fuzzy white arcs seen within the crater and towards the upper right) obscure much of the surface. The Sun, only 12° above the horizon, bathes the scene in a reddish-brown hue. Lomonosov Crater is about 150 Km (93 mi) across and located on the martian northern plains at 64.8° N, 8.8° W. The crater is named for the 18th Century Russian chemist, Mikhail V. Lomonosov (1711-1765)".
Craters-Louth_Crater-FHA00988.jpgLouth Crater (Absolute Natural Colors; credits for the additional process. and color.: Dr Paolo C. Fienga - Lunexit Team)258 visiteLongitude of image center: 257,06° West
Latitude of image center: 70,63° North
Scaled pixel width: 273,95 meters
Scaled image width: 134,00 Km
Scaled image height: 117,89 Km
Solar Longitude (Ls): 111,09°
Local True Solar Time: 14,04 decimal hours
Emission Angle: 9,38°
Incidence Angle: 50,51°
Phase Angle: 44,37°
North Azimuth: 95,79°
Sun Azimuth: 313,34°
Spacecraft Altitude: 429,28 Km
Slant Distance: 434,44 KmMareKromium
Craters-Louth_Crater-FHA00989.jpgLouth Crater (Absolute Natural Colors; credits for the additional process. and color.: Dr Paolo C. Fienga - Lunexit Team)234 visiteLongitude of image center: 258,32° West
Latitude of image center: 70,58° North
Scaled pixel width: 270,95 meters
Scaled image width: 132,28 Km
Scaled image height: 117,97 Km
Solar Longitude (Ls): 111,09°
Local True Solar Time: 13,96 decimal hours
Emission Angle: 5,68°
Incidence Angle: 50,22°
Phase Angle: 46,39°
North Azimuth: 96,97°
Sun Azimuth: 313,08°
Spacecraft Altitude: 429,28 Km
Slant Distance: 431,16 KmMareKromium
Craters-Lyell_Crater-00.jpgLyell Crater's Gullies (Original NASA/MGS/MSSS b/w Frame)54 visiteCaption originale:"This MGS-MOC image shows a suite of Gullies on a Scarp in Lyell Crater".
Location near: 69,7° South Lat. and 14,0° West Long.
Image width: ~3 Km (~1,9 mi)
Illumination from: upper left
Season: Southern Summer
Craters-Lyell_Crater-01.jpgLyell Crater's Gullies (Natural Colors; credits for the additional process. and color.: Dr Paolo C. Fienga - Lunexit Team)185 visiteCaption originale:"This MGS-MOC image shows a suite of Gullies on a Scarp in Lyell Crater".
Location near: 69,7° South Lat. and 14,0° West Long.
Image width: ~3 Km (~1,9 mi)
Illumination from: upper left
Season: Southern SummerMareKromium
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