Husband Hill, in the distance - Sol 1889
Caption NASA:"NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Spirit slipped in soft ground during short backward drives on the 1886th and 1889th Martian Days, or Soles, of the Rover's mission on Mars (April 23 and 26, 2009). Spirit used its Front Hazard-Avoidance Camera after driving on Sol 1889 to get this wide-angle view, which shows the soil disturbed by the drives.
Spirit drove 1,11 meters (3,6 feet) on Sol 1889 and 1,68 meters (5,5 feet) on Sol 1886. The Rover drags its right front wheel, which no longer rotates. For scale, the distance between the wheel tracks is about 1 meter (40").
This view is looking Northward, with Husband Hill on the horizon".