Vortexes at the South Pole of Venus (infrared) - frame 2
These 6 (4 in the previous frame plus 2 in this frame) different infrared images (in false colour) were taken by the VIRTIS on board ESA’s Venus Express spacecraft between 12 and 19 April 2006, during the first orbit, or ‘capture orbit’, around the Planet.
The images (taken at 5 microns) were obtained at six different time slots and different distances from Venus (top left - frame 1: 12 April, from 210.000 Km; top centre - frame 1: 13 April, from 280.000 Km; top right - frame 2: 14 April, from 315.000 Km; bottom left - frame 1:16 April, from 315.000 Km; bottom centre - frame 1: 17 April, from 270.000 Km; bottom right - frame 2: 19 April, from 190.000 Km), while the spacecraft moved along a long ellipse around the Planet.