AS 14-68-9448 - VERY strange boulders
Questo frame ci mostra un macigno la cui forma bizzarra parla da sola. Che altro aggiungere?!?
Original caption:"133:40:48 MT. Close-up of a white boulder at Station C1. The LM is just above the righthand corner of the boulder (...). The large white boulder that was visible from Station C-Prime is out of the field-of-view to the right.
Note the well-defined contact between the white rock on the bottom and a more normal gray rock on the top.
Note, also, that we are looking at two boulders, with only the top and right edge of the background boulder visible beyond the foreground boulder. The background boulder also appears to have a contact between white and gray materials, with the lower right toe of the background boulder being white.
In the Apollo 14 Preliminary Science Report, the foreground boulder is referred to as Contact Rock".