Ocean of Storms - Mission Overview
Apollo 12 (CSM Yankee Clipper and LM Intrepid)
Saturn V
November 14-24, 1969
Charles "Pete" Conrad, Jr.
Richard F. Gordon, Jr.
Alan L. Bean
10 days, 04 hours, 36 minutes
Landing site: Ocean of Storms.
Landing Coordinates: 3.01381 degrees South, 23.41930 degrees West
(Source: National Space Science Data Center)
Retrieved parts of the unmanned Surveyor 3, which had landed on the Moon in April 1967. Apollo Lunar Surface Experiments Package (ALSEP) deployed. 34kg (75 lbs) of material gathered. Two EVAs totaling 7 hours 50 minutes. Lunar surface stay-time, 31.5 hours; in lunar orbit 89 hours, with 45 orbits. LM ascent stage (purposefully) impacted on Moon (after surface crew returns to orbit).