Mars through the eyes of Soujourner-Pathfinder
SOU-SOL020.jpgRock Garden - Sol 20 and 3859 visiteThis preliminary enhanced color image mosaic of the area North-East of the lander was made using images acquired in the afternoon of Sol 20 (top portion of the mosaic) and Sol 38 (bottom portion of the mosaic) by the IMP camera as part of the Super-Pan data set. The differences in brightness between the upper and lower portions of the mosaic result from slightly different sun angle positions between Soles 20 and 38, and can be compensated by subsequent analysis of the reflectance of surface rocks and soils under different lighting conditions.
Red, green, and blue filter images from the right eye were combined to simulate slightly amplified natural color. The bright, flat areas Scooby Doo and Baker's Bench are visible left of center and above center in the mosaic, respectively. Airbags and a portion of one of the lander petals are visible in the foreground.
SOU-SOL022.jpgEnd of the day, time to "rest"... - Sol 2261 visiteCaption NASA originale:"An End-Of-Sol Soujourner image. This was taken on Sol 22 after the Rover had placed its APXS in the dark soil surrounding the rock named Lamb".
SOU-SOL024-1.jpgSunset (1) - Sol 2467 visiteThis is a close-up of the Sunset on Sol 24. The red sky in the background and the blue around the Sun are approximately as they would appear to the human eye. The color of the Sun itself is not right - the Sun was over exposed in each of the 3 color images that were used to make this picture - and it might be near white or slightly bluish.
SOU-SOL024-2.jpgSunset (2) - Sol 2469 visiteThis image of the Martian sunset from Sol 24 shows much more color variation than had previously been seen. The blue color near the Sun is not caused by clouds of water ice, but by the Martian dust itself. The dust in the atmosphere absorbs blue light, giving the sky its red color, but it also scatters some of the blue light into the area just around the Sun because of its size. The blue color only becomes apparent near Sunrise and Sunset, when the light has to pass through the largest amount of dust.
SOU-SOL024-24056.JPGMars Panorama - Sol 2454 visitenessun commento
SOU-SOL024-GB-1.jpgSunset over Ares Vallis - Sol 24 (possible True Colors; credits: Dr G. Barca & Lunexit)56 visitenessun commentoMareKromium
SOU-SOL024-PIA01547.jpgSunset on Mars from Pathfinder and...A Star-Like Object! - Sol 24 (True Colors; credits: NASA/JPL)424 visiteCaption NASA:"The brownish gray sky as it would be seen by an observer on Mars in this four-frame, True Color mosaic taken on sol 24 (at approximately 16:10 M.L.T.). The Twin Peaks can be seen on the horizon. The sky near the sun is a pale blue color. Azimuth extent is 60° and elevation extent is approximately 12°. A description of the techniques used to generate this color image from IMP data can be found in Maki et al., 1999.
SOU-SOL024-SUNSET-GB.JPGSunset over Ares Vallis - Sol 24 (possible True Colors; credits: Dr G. Barca)57 visitenessun commentoMareKromium
SOU-SOL024-Sunset-PIA00920_modest~0.jpgSunset on Mars - Sol 24 (True Colors; credits: NASA/JPL)227 visiteCaption NASA:"This is a close-up of the Sunset on Sol 24 as seen by the Imager for Mars Pathfinder. The red sky in the background and the blue around the Sun are approximately as they would appear to the human eye. The color of the Sun itself is not correct - the Sun was overexposed in each of the 3 color images that were used to make this picture. The true color of the Sun itself may be near white or slightly bluish".
SOU-SOL026-Mini_Matsuperres-2.jpgDeflated Air-Bags and Disturbed Terrain - Sol 26 (natural colors; credits: Dr G. Barca)57 visitenessun commentoMareKromium
SOU-SOL027-82358_full.jpg"Highly Reflective Surface Feature" - Sol 27 (MULTISPECTRUM; credits: Lunexit)149 visiteIl Prof. Hoagland, a proposito di questo "rilievo superficiale ad elevata riflettenza", parlò di "Cristal Remnant". O, se Vi piace di più, di "prova" (sic!) dell'esistenza di "rovine artificiali" nei pressi del Landing Site della Sonda Soujourner-Pathfinder.
Noi, che siamo un pizzico più razionali (e meno - commercialmente - motivati...), Vi diciamo che questo rilievo ad "elevata riflettenza" è, effettivamente, curioso (tanto curioso che pure gli Amici di Pasadena lo hanno fotografato più volte...). Ma da qui a fare le speculazioni (assurde) di Hoagland... ce ne passa!
Diciamo che si tratta di qualcosa di "strano" e di "intrigante". Forse è (davvero) un grosso cristallo (?). Forse è l'Heat-Shield di Soujourner-Pathfinder (la Back-Shell, già individuata, è molto vicina al luogo di Landing della Sonda).
O forse non è nulla di tutto ciò (magari - chissà... - è un "qualcosa di non locale"...).
La Verità, si sa, va "guadagnata". Non la si può "divinare", anche se - qualche volta - la si può intuire.
Noi suggeriamo di guardare con "occhi chiari" e "mente open" quello che i frames ci mostrano. Guardare, studiare, ipotizzare (possibilmente senza "sparare a caso"...) e poi...E poi attendere.
Il resto, le risposte - se risposte ci saranno - è nelle mani del Futuro.MareKromium
SOU-SOL027-82467_full.jpgAround "Yogi"... - Sol 27 (false colors; credits: NASA)55 visiteCaption NASA:"This false color image of the area surrounding Yogi shows clear evidence of "scalloped" features in the soil associated with wind-blown dust.
Such evidence indicates clearly the direction of prevailing winds in this area, and gives further proof of the aeolian nature of erosional processes on Mars".MareKromium
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