Mariner, Viking & MGS's Maps & Mars in the '70s
ZE-I-Viking2-21d049.jpgFrom the "Viking Archive" - Viking 2: surroundings200 visite...e Scienziati si sono concentrati?
Se l'atmosfera Marziana fosse davvero così sottile come ci dicono (anzi: come i rilievi effettuati da Sonde e Landers suggeriscono), il cielo di Marte dovrebbe apparire, semplicemente, quasi NERO!!!
Certo NON rosa, NON giallo (rectius: "butterscotch"), NON celeste e NON rosso, come invece appare in innumerevoli frames Viking, Soujourner/Pathfinder, Spirit ed Opportunity.
Allora, che cosa ne dite? La NASA si è 'incartata' da sola o - forse - siamo riusciti, con il prezioso aiuto del Dr Hamilton, a trovare una crepa nel muro compatto delle certezze scientifiche ufficiali?!?
ZE-I-Viking2-Morning frost.jpgFrom the "Viking Archive" - Viking 2: frost and blue sky (revisited)154 visitenessun commento
ZE-I-Viking2-frost.jpgFrom the "Viking Archive" - Viking 2: frost and blue sky197 visiteCaption NASA originale:"Viking Lander 2 is far enough North that frost deposits form on the surface during Winter. This image, taken in May 1979, shows a thin, white layer of water frost, estimated to be only microns thick, covering parts of the surface. The reddish regions are soil and rock not covered by the frost. Portions of the spacecraft are visible in the right foreground".
(Courtesy NASA/LPI)
E del cielo?
Cosa diciamo del cielo, così splendidamente azzurrino?
Attenzione: questa fotografia è in "true colors"!!!
ZE-I-Viking2-p140b.jpgFrom the "Viking Archive" - Viking 2: a few seconds before Sunrise (1)125 visite"...Early in the mission, when it became clear that there was a large amount of scattering particles in the lower atmosphere, we realized the potentially dramatic appeal of low Sun pictures. However, the first priority was to document the landscape with HR and color images. Following several weeks of successful operation on the Martian Surface we relaxed to the point of attempting exotic but high risk pictures...".
ZE-I-Viking2-p141b.jpgFrom the "Viking Archive" - Viking 2: Sunrise (2)66 visitenessun commento
ZE-I-Viking2-vl2_22g144.jpgFrom the "Viking Archive" - Viking 2: surroundings153 visiteCaption NASA originale:"Viking 2 Lander close-up of the surface of Mars. The metal cylinder at right is the shroud for the surface sampler instrument, which was ejected after landing. To the left of it are trenches dug by the sampling arm, and at lower right part of a footpad can be seen. Note the holes in the rocks, which appear to be vesicles produced by gas bubbles when the rocks first solidified from lava. The camera is looking due east and local time is 19:47. The shroud is about 30 cm long. (Viking 2 Lander, 22G144)".
ZE-I-VikingLander_1-MF2.jpgSmall "Trench" in Chrise Planitia (Natural Colors; credits: Dr M. Faccin - Lunexit Team)56 visitenessun commentoMareKromium
ZE-I-VikingLander_1-MF3.jpgLong Shadows over Chrise Planitia (Original NASA b/w frame; add. process.: Dr M. Faccin - Lunexit Team)62 visitenessun commentoMareKromium
ZE-I-Viking_Lander_1-MF5.jpgSunny Day over Chrise Planitia (Natural Colors; credits: Dr M. Faccin - Lunexit Team)73 visitenessun commentoMareKromium
ZE-I-Viking_Lander_1-MF7-PCF-LXTT.jpgSunny Day over Chrise Planitia (Absolute Natural Colors; credits: Drr M. Faccin and Paolo C. Fienga - Lunexit Team) 116 visitenessun commentoMareKromium
ZEZ-I-Viking1.jpgFrom the "Viking Archive" - Viking 1: dusty day128 visiteCaption originale:"...Here we see another Viking 1 image taken on an especially dusty day, with the bright blue zone near the Sun visible as it overexposes the upper right of the frame. Notice the near lack of shadows from the rocks...".
ZF-I-Viking2-22a158corr-LF.jpgFrom the "Viking Archive" - Viking 2: antenna, sky and horizon (natural colors; credits: NASA)130 visitenessun commento
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