Walking on Mars with Spirit and Opportunity
SOL926-1.jpgLooking Down - Sol 926 (natural colors; credits: Dr G. Barca)53 visitenessun commentoMareKromium
SOL927-1.jpgSolar Panels and Salt - Sol 927 (possible True Colors; credits: Dr G. Barca & Lunexit)53 visitenessun commentoMareKromium
SOL927-2P208656399ESFAS00P2288R4M1-A.jpgExtremely anomalous Surface Feature (context image) - Sol 92583 visitenessun commento
SOL927-2P208656399ESFAS00P2288R4M1-B.jpgExtremely anomalous Surface Feature (detail mgnf) - Sol 92593 visitenessun commento
SOL930-3.jpgLate Sun over Gusev... - Sol 930 (possible True Colors; credits: Dr G. Barca & Lunexit)53 visitenessun commentoMareKromium
SOL930-931.jpgSharp changes... - Sol 930-931100 visiteUn nuovo, eccellente (e sicuramente fonte di controversie...) Lavoro del bravissimo Dr Gianluigi Barca: dal confronto immediato e diretto fra due scorci analoghi emergono - a nostro parere - delle sconcertanti diversità.
Diversità che, se nella coppia inferiore di frames possono (stiracchiando un bel pò la nostra capacità logica...) anche essere tentativamente e razionalmente spiegate con l'esistenza di un minimo shift prospettico e con l'ovvio (ed eclatante, negli effetti visivi) cambio di filtro/colore, nella coppia di frames superiore diventano...inspiegabili (osservate la roccia cerchiata in fucsia e, in particolare, notate come la sua "cresta" - o porzione superiore - che appare alquanto lineare nel frame di Sx, diventi "spezzata" nel frame di Dx).
Ancora un effetto speciale "Made in NASA"?
Questo non lo sa (ancora) nessuno. Un ottimo lavoro, un nuovo "Mistero Marziano"...
SOL930-935-P2762_L4_montage-A945R1~0.jpgMeaningful Shadows... (1) - Soles 930/93553 visiteTaking advantage of lengthening shadows during the onset of Winter and at different times of day, NASA's MER Spirit acquired this series of images accentuating subtle features in the terrain. Images acquired at low Sun angles allow scientists to better understand differences in surface roughness among soils and rocks. Variations in how brightly Sunlight reflects off surfaces under different lighting conditions help scientists estimate the microscopic physical characteristics of the mineral grains in different rocks and soils. Shadows from the Rover itself are visible in the foreground of the late-afternoon mosaic and cover part of the Rover's tracks and disturbed, light-toned soils.
Spirit acquired these sets of images at different Local True Solar Times (LTST) on Martian Soles 930 (Aug. 15, 2006), 931 (Aug. 16, 2006) and 935 (Aug. 20, 2006) using the 601-nanometer filter of the PanCam.
Spirit acquired the mosaics of the Rover's tracks, composed of 3 frames each, with the PanCam turned to an azimuth of 110 degrees (east-southeast).
SOL930-935-P2763_L4_montage-A945R1.jpgMeaningful Shadows... (2) - Soles 930/93553 visiteSpirit acquired the single-frame images of sand ripples with the PanCam turned to an azimuth of 290° (West-NorthWest).
SOL931-1.jpgThe "True Colors" of Gusev - Sol 931 (possible True Colors; credits: Dr G. Barca & Lunexit)53 visitenessun commentoMareKromium
SOL932-1-2.jpgHigh Tau...Again! - Sol 932 (natural colors; credits: Dr G. Barca & Lunexit)53 visitenessun commentoMareKromium
SOL932-McMurdo_L456atc-A814R1_br2-00.jpgMc Murdo Panorama (1)53 visiteCaption NASA originale:"This 360° view, called the "McMurdo Panorama", comes from the PanCam on NASA's MER Spirit. From April through October 2006, Spirit has stayed on a small hill known as "Low Ridge". There, the Rover's solar panels are tilted toward the Sun to maintain enough solar power for Spirit to keep making scientific observations throughout the Winter on Southern Mars.
This view of the surroundings from Spirit's "Winter Haven" is presented in approximately true color.
Oct. 26, 2006, marks Spirit's 1000th Sol of what was planned to be as a 90-Sol mission. (A "Sol" is a Martian day, which lasts 24 h., 39' and 35"). The Rover has lived through the most challenging part of its second Martian winter. Its solar power levels are rising again.
Spring in the Southern Hemisphere of Mars will begin in early 2007".
SOL932-McMurdo_L456atc-A814R1_br2-01.jpgMc Murdo Panorama (2)53 visiteCaption NASA originale:"Before that, the Rover Team hopes to start driving Spirit again toward scientifically interesting places in the "Inner Basin" and "Columbia Hills" inside Gusev Crater. The McMurdo Panorama is providing team members with key pieces of scientific and topographic information for choosing where to continue Spirit's exploration adventure.
The PanCam began shooting component images of this panorama during Spirit's Sol 814 (April 18, 2006) and completed the part shown here on Sol 932 (Aug. 17, 2006). The panorama was acquired using all 13 of the Pancam's color filters, using lossless compression for the red and blue stereo filters, and only modest levels of compression on the remaining filters".
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