Walking on Mars with Spirit and Opportunity
OPP-SOL050-1P132621765EFF0602P2574R1M1.jpgIs this a "Little Lizard" or just a "Little Stone"? (2)144 visitevedi il commento al frame precedente
OPP-SOL051-1N132726286EFF06A8P1944R0M1.jpgRipples - Sol 51 (Natural Colors; credits: Lunar Explorer Italia)54 visitenessun commentoMareKromium
OPP-SOL058-2-03-MW-03-outside-B058R1_br2.jpgFarewell to Eagle Crater91 visitenessun commento
OPP-SOL058-xpe_pubeng_approved_032204_outside_eagle-B058R1.jpgOutside Eagle Crater: small Side-Winders, back-shell & parachute - Sol 5877 visiteCaption NASA originale:"This image from Opportunity is part of the first set of pictures that was returned to Earth after the Rover exited Eagle Crater. Scientists are busy analyzing Opportunity's new view of the plains of Meridiani Planum. The plentiful ripples are a clear indication that wind is the primary geologic process currently in effect on the plains. On the left of the image are two depressions - each about 1 mt across - that feature bright spots in their centers. One possibility is that the bright material is similar in composition to the rocks in Eagle Crater's outcrop and the surrounding darker material is what's referred to as "lag deposit," or erosional remnants that are much harder and more difficult to wear away".
Nota: alcuni Ricercatori hanno pensato che quelle 2 depressioni con 'qualcosa' che emerge dal loro centro sìano due affioramenti di acqua. La NASA, al riguardo, oltre a quello che avete letto nella "Caption", non ha - per quanto ne sappiamo - mai aggiunto altro.
OPP-SOL059-1F133421802EDN0830P1111R0M1_MtBlanc-B064R1.jpgMont Blanc - Sol 5977 visiteCaption NASA originale:"This image taken by the H.A. Camera on the Rover Opportunity shows the Rover investigating a bright patch of soil dubbed "Mont Blanc".
The Rover used its Microscopic Imager, located on the instrument deployment device, or arm, to take pictures of Mont Blanc on Sol 59 (such as 2 sols after it exited Eagle Crater). Later, Opportunity observed the spot with its Moessbauer and Alpha Particle X-ray Spectrometers, also located on the arm.
Though Mont Blanc appears unusually bright amidst the dark plains of Meridiani Planum, scientists believe it is the same red dust that blankets most of the surface of Mars.
The soil patch appears to have collected downwind of Eagle Crater. The Rover is facing Northwest".
OPP-SOL060-1P133518668RAD0830P2211L256C1.jpgMonochrome Mars - Sol 60 (Multispectral Color Imagery; credits: Lyle.org)53 visitenessun commentoMareKromium
OPP-SOL060-LionKingPan.1.jpgThe reddish horizon of Meridiani Planum (1)92 visiteUn panorama bellissimo ed affascinante (proposto, sebbene con una diversa risoluzione, anche nella Sezione "Mars in Colors") che ci mostra il deserto di Meridiani Planum, con la sua luce ed i suoi colori, sicuramente controvertibili, ma altrettanto certamente di grande impatto e fascino.
OPP-SOL060-LionKingPan.2.jpgThe reddish horizon of Meridiani Planum (2)96 visiteBen visibili le tracce dei rimbalzi degli airbags sulla superficie del Pianeta Rosso (le tracce scure) ed i riflessi color rosso-arancio delle sabbie (e delle polveri) che disegnano i profili superiori dei Side-Winders. Affascinante (e credibile, a nostro modo di vedere) il colore del Cielo di Marte il quale, ha causa delle polveri arancioni e rosse in sospensione, è plausibile che assuma, durante il giorno, questo colorito rosato che abbiamo visto anche in immagini similari, ma relative ad altre Missioni (vedi i frames Viking e Pathfinder).
OPP-SOL060-Lion_King_Pan-OppSol60-B_P2218_L256-B067R1_br2.jpgLion King Panorama - Sol 60 (Contrast Enhanced True Colors; credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech)86 visiteThis image from the Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity's panoramic camera shows one octant of a larger panoramic image which has not yet been fully processed. The full panorama, dubbed "Lion King" was obtained on sols 58 and 60 of the mission as the rover was perched at the lip of Eagle Crater, majestically looking down into its former home. It is the largest panorama yet obtained by either rover. The octant, which faces directly into the crater, shows features as small as a few millimeters across in the field near the rover arm, to features a few meters across or larger on the horizon.
OPP-SOL061-12-BE-02-beaches-B061R1.jpg"Goal 5" - Sol 6180 visiteCaption NASA originale:"This image from the Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity's Front Hazard-Avoidance Camera focuses on a target called "Goal 5". Goal 5, examined during the Eagle Crater soil survey, is a wind-rippled spot on the upper part of the Crater which the Miniature Thermal Emission Spectrometer shows is higher in Hematite content compared to other soils within the crater. The light soil in the center of the image is referred to as "Lanikai" - an inspiration from the white sand beaches of Hawaii. The dark soil is referred to as "Punaluu" after the black sand Hawaiian beaches".
OPP-SOL061-1N133613905EFF0874P1961L0M1.jpgMartian Rebounds... - Sol 61 (Natural Colors; credits: Lunar Explorer Italia)54 visiteOre 15:49:30 MLTMareKromium
OPP-SOL061-1N133613956EFF0874P1961L0M1-2.jpgAbsolute Meridiani - Sol 61 (Absolute Natural Colors; credits: Dr Paolo C. Fienga - Lunexit Team)54 visitenessun commentoMareKromium
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