Venusian_Surface-Venera_14-02.jpgVenus from Venera 14 (camera 2)119 visite"...These images are the original Russian digital images, with a little reprocessing. The original color images were darker and somewhat noisier than the b/w pictures scanned through the clear filter.
In this image, I combined the chroma signal from the color images with the luminance from the clear-filter images. The color chart, extended from the spacecraft was originally painted with gray, red, green and blue silicone enamel. On Venus, its color was shifted by effects of heat and pressure, and tinted by the orange sky. I adjusted the image colors slightly to match the calculated hues of the chart, but these pictures are not precisely color balanced..."
Venusian_Surface-Venera_14-03.jpgVenus, from Venera 14 (Natural Colors; credits: Ted Stryk)54 visiteTed Stryk comments:"...Venera 14, which landed in a much rockier area, took a pretty good partial color pan (again, complete in black and white), but while the other pan was complete in both black and white and through color filters (althoug again the blue was almost useless), the color data in this set was horribly underexposed.
Here is the Venera 14 partial pan, my favorite of the set because of the cool rock right near the lander. It seems to be sitting on the rocky plain...it makes one wonder how it got there. I don't see anything else like it in the Venera pans, although given their limited coverage, it doesnt mean there aren't perhaps a few more rocks like it around. But still , it is lucky it was so close to the lander and in a color zone...".
Nota Lunexit: notate anche Voi una - secondo noi STRAORDINARIA - similitudine fra questa superficie e la superficie di Titano?...MareKromium
Volcanic_Features-Lava_Flows-PIA00471.jpgLava Flows (possible Natural Colors; credits: Dr Paolo C. Fienga - Lunexit Team)54 visiteThis is a full resolution mosaic centered at 25° North Latitude and 351° East Longitude.
The Region is approximately 160 Km (100 miles) across. It shows a series of complex Lava Flows which emerge from the Northern Flank of Sif Mons, a large Southern Venusian Volcano.
Several of the Flows occupy narrow troughs formed by long fractures. A sequence of events that can be inferred from this image is the formation of the dark background Plains by eruptions of extremely fluid volcanic material, and the formation of the small Shield Volcanoes on the Plains' Surface that can be seen in the upper left part of the image.
Next, the Region was domed upward probably by heat from the interior of Venus that ultimately caused magmas to break out from the Surface near the Summit Regions forming the Sif volcanic structure and its associated flank eruptions which can be seen in this image.MareKromium
Volcanic_Features-_Volcanic_Domes_in_Tinantin_Planitia.jpgMagellan Probe: radio image of Volcanic Domes in Tinatin Planitia136 visiteTra le altre cause della perdita del contatto radio possiamo anche includere l'impatto della Navicella con un "corpo vagante" o magari il verificarsi di un repentino mutamento nell'orbita di Magellano causato da un fenomeno di influenza gravitazionale (p.e.: un altro corpo celeste che transita in prossimità della Navicella e la "spinge" fuori dalla propria orbita).
Forse la Sonda si è "rotta" o forse essa ha, semplicemente, esaurito la propria "energia vitale" e si è spenta per sempre: ognuno può pensare quello che vuole e, anche se la verità non la sapremo mai, i risultati del lavoro di Magellano, qualunque sia stata la causa della sua fine, renderanno questa Sonda, comunque, degna di una memoria immortale.
Volcanic_Regions.jpgVenus (X-ray close-up) from Galileo206 visiteCome dicevamo in precedenza l'atterraggio su Venere equivarrebbe, ancora oggi, come 22 anni fa, alla perdita sicura della Sonda.
Si è allora pensato di "bucare" la coltre di nuvole usando le onde radio (Magellan Project) ed i raggi X (Galileo Project).
Ed eccoVi un risultato della fotografia di Venere adottata impiegando questa tecnica: come potete vedere Voi stessi la superficie del Pianeta ci appare in tutta la sua straordinaria complessità e bellezza, "come se le nubi non ci fossero".
Volcanoes-Ammavaru-PCF-LXTT.jpgAmmavaru (Natural Colors; credits: Lunar Explorer Italia)60 visitenessun commentoMareKromium
Volcanoes-Ammavaru.jpgMagellan Probe: radio image of Ammavaru Volcano & surroundings124 visiteGli scopi di Magellano consistevano, sommariamente, nella tracciatura di un modello relativo all'interno di Venere, nonchè nell'effettuazione di una serie di osservazioni di supporto allo studio della tettonica di Venere, nonchè delle sue vere e proprie forme esteriori, ivi inclusi i processi di superficie susseguenti ad impatti, erosioni, depositi ed altre reazioni chimiche.
Volcanoes-Idunn_Mons-PIA13001-2.jpgIdunn Mons (Perspective View and False Colors; credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech/ESA)54 visiteCaption NASA:"This figure shows the Volcanic Peak Idunn Mons (at about 46° South Lat. and 214,5° East Long.) in the Imdr Regio area of Venus. The topographic backbone derives from data obtained by NASA's Magellan spacecraft, with a vertical exaggeration of 30 times.
Radar data (in brown) from Magellan has been draped on top of the topographic data. Bright areas are rough or have steep slopes. Dark areas are smooth.
The warmest area of Idunn is centered on the Summit, which stands about 2,5 Km (approx. 1,6 miles) above the Datum, and the bright Lava Flows that originate there. Idunn Mons has a diameter of about 200 Km (approx. 120 miles).
The spectrometer data was collected from May 2006 to the end of 2007. A movie featuring 360-degree views of the volcano is based on the same data and can be viewed at JPL's Multimedia".MareKromium
Volcanoes-Maat_Mons-PIA00106.jpg3D view of Maat Mons75 visiteCaption NASA originale:"Maat Mons is displayed in this computer generated 3D view of the surface of Venus. The viewpoint is located 634 Km North of Maat Mons at an elevation of 3 Km above the terrain.
Lava flows extend for hundreds of kilometers across the fractured plains shown in the foreground, to the base of Maat Mons. The view is to the south with the volcano Maat Mons appearing at the center of the image on the horizon and rising to almost 5 Km above the surrounding terrain. Maat Mons is located at approx. 0,9° North latitude; 194,5° East longitude with a peak that ascends to 8 Km above the mean surface. Maat Mons is named for an Egyptian Goddess of Truth and Justice. Magellan synthetic aperture radar data is combined with radar altimetry to develop a three-dimensional map of the surface. The vertical scale in this perspective has been exaggerated 10 times".
Volcanoes-Maat_Mons-PIA00487.jpgVolcanic Domes on the Flank of Maat Mons - East Ovda Region (possible Natural Colors; credits: Dr Paolo C. Fienga - Lunexit Team)54 visiteThis Magellan image is centered at about 3,2° North Latitude and 194,9° East Longitude, in the Eastern Ovda Region of Venus.
The image, which is approx. 90 Km (about 56 miles) in width and approx. 80 Km (such as about 50 miles) in length, shows some small Volcanic Domes on the Flank of the volcano Maat Mons. The bright flows to the East are most likely rough Lava Flows while the darker flows to the West are probably smoother flows. The dark flows do show some roughness, however, as can be seen by the structure in the flows to the South/West.
These dark flows also have some debris that has been deposited on top of them. The debris may be fine material from the surrounding Plains on top of the flow by wind or it may be ash from the volcano.
Small Volcanic Domes are very common features on the Surface of Venus, indicating that there has been (and maybe there still is) much volcanic activity going on almost everywhere.
Assuming that the central Volcanic Cone is symmetrical in shape and knowing the length of the cone's side and the incidence angle, radar foreshortening yields a height and slope of 688 meters and 8,2°, respectively, for the Cone.
These values are similar to heights and slopes of some Volcanic Cones on the Earth. MareKromium
Volcanoes-PIA00261.jpgVolcanoes in Guinevere Planitia (possible Natural Colors; credits: Dr Paolo C. Fienga - Lunexit Team)54 visiteThis image, with radar illumination from West to East, shows three unusual Volcanoes located in the Guinevere Planitia Lowland. At the center of the image is a large feature (approx. 50 Km or about31 miles in diameter) with an unusual shape; very round when viewed from above with steep slides and a flat top.
These Volcanoes are believed to be the result of relatively thick and sticky (viscous) Lava Flows that originated from a point source. Although a faint remnant of its original circular shape is preserved, the Northern Rim of this center Volcano has a steep Scarp.
The Scarp is probably the result of material that has slid away from the Volcano and subsequently has been covered by Lava Flows. This Volcano overlaps another feature to the South-West that is about 45 Km (approx. 28 miles) in diameter and disrupted by many fractures.
The South-Eastern Volcano (about 25 Km or approx. 15,5 miles in diameter) appears to be the highest of the three as its illuminated Western Edge has the brightest radar return. The scalloped Edges give this feature a bottlecap-like appearance. The highly scalloped Edges are probably the result of multiple material slides along the Volcano Margin.MareKromium
Volcanoes-Sacajawea_Patera-PIA00485.jpgSacajawea Patera (possible Natural Colors; credits: Dr Paolo C. Fienga - Lunexit Team)54 visiteThis Magellan image reveals Sacajawea Patera, a large, elongate caldera located in Western Ishtar Terra on the smooth plateau of Lakshmi Planum.
The image is centered at 64,5° North Latitude and 337° East Longitude. It is approximately 420 Km (about 252 miles) wide at the base.
Sacajawea is a depression approximately 1-2 Km (0,6-1,2 miles) deep and abo 120 by 215 Km (approx. 74 by 133 miles) in diameter; it is elongate in a S/W-N/E direction.
The depression is bounded by a zone of circumferential curvilinear structures interpreted to be Graben and Fault Scarps. These structures are spaced 0,5-4 Km (0,3-2,5 miles) apart, are 0,6-4 Km (0,4-2,5 miles) in width and up to 100 Km (approx. 62 miles) in length.
Extending up to approximately 140 Km (about 87 miles) in length from the South/East of the Patera, is a system of linear structures thought to represent a flanking rift zone along which the lateral injection and eruption of magma may have occurred.
A shield edifice of approx. 12 Km (about 7 miles) in diameter with a prominent Central Pit, lies along the trend of one of these features.
The Impact crater Zlata, approx. 6 Km (a little less than 4 miles) in diameter is located within the zone of Graben to the N/W of the Patera.
Few flow features are observed in association with Sacajawea, possibly due to age and state of degradation of the flows.
Mottled bright deposits of about 4 to 20 Km (such as 2,5 up to approx. 12 miles) in width are located near the periphery and in the center of the Patera Floor, within local topographic lows. Diffuse patches of dark material approx. 40 Km (such as about 25 miles) in width are observed S/W of the Patera, superposed on portions of the surrounding Graben.
The formation of Sacajawea is thought to be related to the drainage and collapse of a large Magma Chamber. Gravitational relaxation may have caused the resultant Caldera to sag, producing the numerous Faults and Graben that circumscribe the Patera.
Regions of complex, highly deformed tessera-like terrain are located North and East of the Patera and are seen in the upper portion of the image.MareKromium
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