Saturn: the "Ringed Beauty" and His Moons
Japetus-N00091967-1.jpgImage-Artifact or a New Tower on Japetus?55 visiteUn nuovo e bellissimo esempio di quanto sia importante avere degli Amici Lettori i quali non si limitano a "guardare", ma che "cercano": in questo frame CASSINI, infatti, il bravissimo Antonio Fedele ha individuato due dettagli sui quali ha chiesto il nostro parere. Ebbene, se il dettaglio visibile sulla Dx del frame è, a nostro avviso, la traccia di un semplice Raggio Cosmico, il dettaglio di Sx è MOLTO più intrigante!
Osservate bene: nel frame originale NASA in b/n, la carenza di contrasto e la scarsa raffinazione del frame non permettevano grandi osservazioni; ma nel frame risultante da nostro coloring ed additional processing, il Sig. Fedele ha visto qualcosa che a noi era completamente sfuggita: ha visto un qualcosa che sembra essere una sorta di "Torre". Noi, allora, abbiamo ripreso il frame originale e tentato una verifica: ebbene la "Torre" non è il prodotto del nostro additional processing: essa, infatti, era già (sia pure solo appena) visibile nel frame di partenza.
Che cos'è? E' il Secondo Monolito di Giapeto (il primo venne individuato, ci pare, dal Prof. Hoagland, qualche anno fa)?
E' una Struttura Colonnare affine alle Blair Cuspids? E' qualcosa di simile al Monolito di Phobos? O forse è una Struttura Effimera o, magari, solo un image-artifact?
A noi non sembra un image-artifact (anche se non possiamo escluderlo al 100%). Poi, per quanto attiene la natura di questo (se reale) incredibile rilievo Giapetiano, non ci sentiamo di esprimerci: abbiate pazienza, ma gli elementi che abbiamo sono davvero troppo pochi e l'immagine, in sè, non è sufficiente per risolvere i nostri dubbi.
Un GRANDE complimento al Sig. Fedele e, per il resto, provate Voi stessi a guardare, analizzare e speculare...Se volete. Noi siamo qui, per condividere e commentare le Vostre (eventuali) scoperte!MareKromium
Japetus-N00091967-PCF-LXTT.jpgMountains and Craters of Japetus: proximities of the Transition Zone (Absolute Natural Colors; elab. by Dr Paolo C. Fienga - Lunexit Team) 242 visitenessun commentoMareKromium
Japetus-N00091967.jpgMountains and Craters of Japetus (proximities of the Transition Zone - possible natural colors; elab. Lunexit)53 visiteCaption NASA:"N00091967.jpg was taken on September 10, 2007 and received on Earth September 11, 2007. The camera was pointing toward Japetus that, at the time, was approx. 2424 Km away, and the image was taken using the CL1 and CL2 filters. This image has not been validated or calibrated".MareKromium
Japetus-N00091971.jpgHuge Crater on Japetus (proximities of the Transition Zone; possible natural colors - elab. Lunexit)53 visiteCaption NASA:"N00091971.jpg was taken on September 10, 2007 and received on Earth September 11, 2007. The camera was pointing toward Japetus that, at the time, was approx. 1881 Km away, and the image was taken using the CL1 and CL2 filters. This image has not been validated or calibrated".MareKromium
Japetus-N00091972.jpgThe Mountains of Japetus (Transition Zone; possible natural colors - elab. Lunexit)53 visiteCaption NASA:"N00091972.jpg was taken on September 10, 2007 and received on Earth September 11, 2007. The camera was pointing toward Japetus that, at the time, was approx. 1776 Km away, and the image was taken using the CL1 and CL2 filters. This image has not been validated or calibrated".MareKromium
Japetus-N00091974.jpgThe Mountains of Japetus (Transition Zone; possible natural colors - elab. Lunexit)53 visiteCaption NASA:"N00091974.jpg was taken on September 10, 2007 and received on Earth September 11, 2007. The camera was pointing toward Japetus that, at the time, was approx. 1646 Km away, and the image was taken using the CL1 and CL2 filters. This image has not been validated or calibrated".MareKromium
Japetus-N00091975.jpgThe Mountains of Japetus (Transition Zone; possible natural colors - elab. Lunexit)54 visiteCaption NASA:"N00091975.jpg was taken on September 10, 2007 and received on Earth September 11, 2007. The camera was pointing toward Japetus that, at the time, was approximately 1651 Km away, and the image was taken using the CL1 and CL2 filters. This image has not been validated or calibrated".MareKromium
Japetus-N00091976.jpgThe Mountains of Japetus (Transition Zone; possible natural colors - elab. Lunexit)75 visiteCaption NASA:"N00091976.jpg was taken on September 10, 2007 and received on Earth September 11, 2007. The camera was pointing toward Japetus that, at the time, was approx. 1722 Km away, and the image was taken using the CL1 and CL2 filters. This image has not been validated or calibrated".MareKromium
Japetus-N00091977.jpgThe Mountains of Japetus (Transition Zone; possible natural colors - elab. Lunexit)53 visiteCaption NASA:"N00091977.jpg was taken on September 10, 2007 and received on Earth September 11, 2007. The camera was pointing toward Japetus that, at the time, was approx. 1808 Km away, and the image was taken using the CL1 and CL2 filters. This image has not been validated or calibrated".MareKromium
Japetus-N00091998.jpgThe "Cassini Regio" of Japetus (2) - possible natural colors; elab. Lunexit54 visitenessun commentoMareKromium
Japetus-N00092000.jpgThe "Cassini Regio" of Japetus (1) - possible natural colors; elab. Lunexit72 visiteCaption NASA:"Iapetus, Saturn's third largest moon, is a candidate for the strangest moon of Saturn. Tidally locked in its orbit around the Ringed Gas Giant, Iapetus is sometimes called the "Yin-Yang Moon" because its Leading Hemisphere is very dark, reflecting about 5% of the Sun's light, while its Trailing Hemisphere is almost as bright as snow. This recent Cassini spacecraft flyby image is one of the closest views ever and spans about 35 Km across a cratered transition zone between bright and dark terrain. Iapetus itself has a density close to that of water ice, but the detailed reflective properties of the dark material suggest an organic composition.
Honoring the moon's discoverer, the dark terrain is called Cassini Regio".MareKromium
Japetus-N00092009.jpgThe "Voyager" Mountains (possible natural colors; elab. Lunexit)56 visiteCaption NASA:"N00092009.jpg was taken on September 10, 2007 and received on Earth September 11, 2007. The camera was pointing toward Japetus that, at the time, was approximately 7.037 Km away, and the image was taken using the CL1 and CL2 filters. This image has not been validated or calibrated".MareKromium
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