Saturn: the "Ringed Beauty" and His Moons
Dione-N00041359.jpgHalf-Dione, in the darkness...54 visiteN00041359.jpg was taken on October 13, 2005 and received on Earth October 14, 2005. The camera was pointing toward DIONE - distant approximately 711.554 Km away - and the image was taken using the P120 and MT2 filters. This image has not been validated or calibrated.
Nota: lo Staff di Lunar Explorer, studiando le statistiche del Sito, ha notato che le immagini in arrivo da Saturno suscitano (se rapportate a Marte o alla Luna) un interesse davvero bassissimo. E' giusto che ogni Appassionato si dedichi a quello che ritiene più interessante e, spesso, ciò che appare più interessante è anche ciò che si trova "più vicino". La Luna e Marte, se questo approccio è esatto, sono esempi molto chiari.
Tuttavia, se ci consentite una parola sul Sistema di Saturno, vorremmo rammentarVi che, spesso, la comprensione di quello che si trova più vicino a noi (diremmo "a portata di mano"...) è semplificata dallo studio e/o (anche) dalla semplice osservazione di quello che - invece - si trova molto lontano...
Dione-N00042630.jpgDione behind the Rings53 visiteOriginal caption:"N00042630.jpg was taken on November 03, 2005 and received on Earth November 05, 2005. The camera was pointing toward DIONE at approximately 2.460.100 Km away, and the image was taken using the P120 and UV3 filters. This image has not been validated or calibrated".
Dione-N00047220.jpgDione92 visiteOriginal caption:"N00047220.jpg was taken on December 24, 2005 and received on Earth December 24, 2005. The camera was pointing toward DIONE that, at the time, was approximately 435.332 Km away.
The image was taken using the CL1 and CL2 filters".
Dione-N00048330.jpgThe Marvelous Face of Dione (possible True Colors; credits: Dr M. Faccin & Lunar Explorer Italia)53 visitenessun commentoMareKromium
Dione-N00048466.jpgSaturnshine over Dione54 visitenessun commento
Dione-N00055940.jpgSaturnshine on Dione53 visiteDione è solo al primo quarto, ma il suo lato in ombra ci appare comunque discretamente visibile - come alle volte accade anche alla nostra Luna - grazie alla luce che arriva dall'immenso disco illuminato di Saturno (il "saturnshine", o "chiaro di Saturno").
Dione-N00060593.jpgIn the darkness...53 visitenessun commento
Dione-N00064207.jpgCrescent Dione73 visiteCaption originale:"N00064207.jpg was taken on July 24, 2006 and was received on Earth on July 24, 2006. The camera was pointing toward Dione that, at the time, was approximately 262.021 Km away.
The image was taken using the P120 and GRN filters".
Dione-N00064211.jpgDione (RAW Natural Colors; credits: Dr M. Faccin)57 visitenessun commentoMareKromium
Dione-N00064757.jpgThe "Night" of Dione (1)53 visiteDalla "modesta" distanza di circa 158.000 Km, Cassini fotografa Dione e, sovraesponendone le regioni su cui splende il Sole, è capace di regalarci una incredibile e suggestiva visione dei rilievi Dioniani immersi nella notte e vagamente rischiarati, con ogni probabilità, dal solo "Saturnshine", o "Chiaro di Saturno".
Dione-N00064760.jpgThe "Night" of Dione (2)53 visiteCaption NASA:"N00064760.jpg was taken on August 16, 2006 and received on Earth August 18, 2006.
The camera was pointing toward Dione that, at the time, was approximately 155.801 Km away.
This image was taken using the CL1 and CL2 filters".
Dione-N00064763.jpgThe "Night" of Dione (3)53 visiteCaption NASA:"N00064763.jpg was taken on August 16, 2006 and received on Earth August 18, 2006.
The camera was pointing toward Dione that, at the time, was approximately 155.433 Km away.
This image was taken using the CL1 and CL2 filters".
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