Saturn: the "Ringed Beauty" and His Moons
Rhea-N00047118.jpgRhea53 visiteOriginal caption:"N00047118.jpg was taken on December 23, 2005 and received on Earth December 24, 2005. The camera was pointing toward RHEA that, at the time, was approximately 341.537 Km away.
The image was taken using the CL1 and CL2 filters".
Rhea-N00047136.jpgRhea53 visiteOriginal caption:"N00047136.jpg was taken on December 23, 2005 and received on Earth December 24, 2005. The camera was pointing toward RHEA that, at the time, was approximately 283.082 Km away.
The image was taken using the CL1 and IR3 filters".
Rhea-N00047219.jpgRhea53 visiteOriginal caption:"N00047219.jpg was taken on December 24, 2005 and received on Earth December 24, 2005. The camera was pointing toward RHEA that, at the time, was approximately 255.628 Km away.
The image was taken using the CL1 and CL2 filters".
Rhea-N00048319.jpgFull Rhea79 visiteCaption originale:"N00048319.jpg was taken on January 17, 2006 and received on Earth January 18, 2006. The camera was pointing toward Rhea that, at the time, was approximately 245.031 Km away, and the image was taken using the CL1 and UV3 filters.
This image has not been validated or calibrated".
Rhea-N00048464.jpgCrescent Rhea53 visiteCaption originale:"N00048464.jpg was taken on January 18, 2006 and received on Earth January 18, 2006. The camera was pointing toward Rhea that, at the time, was approximately 267.591 Km away, and the image was taken using the CL1 and CL2 filters.
This image has not been validated or calibrated".
Rhea-N00049536.jpgRhea and Companions (1)53 visiteCaption originale:"N00049536.jpg was taken on January 27, 2006 and received on Earth January 29, 2006. The camera was pointing toward Rhea that, at the time, was approximately 3.011.853 Km away, and the image was taken using the CL1 and CL2 filters".
Rhea-N00049540.jpgRhea and Companions (2)53 visiteOriginal caption:"N00049540.jpg was taken on January 27, 2006 and received on Earth January 29, 2006. The camera was pointing toward Rhea that, at the time, was approximately 3.012.654 Km away, and the image was taken using the CL1 and CL2 filters".
Rhea-N00055690.jpgRhea and a "streak of light"55 visiteCerchiatura Bianca: un (nuovo) "streak" di luce bianca e molto intensa il quale, laddove non fosse il solito photoartifact, potrebbe concretare una interessante Anomalìa.
In realtà, la "striscia" in questione non ci pare proprio un photoartifact ed inoltre essa non dovrebbe neppure essere la semplice evidenza di un corpo celeste (un'altra luna di Saturno, ad esempio) il quale è rimasto non solo sovraesposto, ma anche strisciato (o "mosso") a causa della (eccessiva) durata della ripresa fotografica in rapporto alla velocità della Sonda . Per altro, anche osservando altri frames della Serie "N" - ad esempio N00055772 - la nostra sensazione è che il moto di Cassini, dal punto di vista dell'Osservatore e rispetto a Rhea, è ORIZZONTALE (da Sx a Dx) mentre lo streak è invece VERTICALE!
Deduzione logica: lo streak rappresenta un oggetto reale, situato ad una distanza indefinita da Cassini, il quale si sta muovendo rapidamente mentre asseconda una traiettoria incongrua rispetto a quella di Cassini.
Un "UFO", insomma...
Rhea-N00055720.jpgMoments of Rhea (1)62 visitenessun commento
Rhea-N00055723.jpgMoments of Rhea (2)60 visitenessun commento
Rhea-N00055725.jpgMoments of Rhea (3)53 visitenessun commento
Rhea-N00055739.jpgMoments of Rhea (4)54 visitenessun commento
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