Syrius A&B.jpgSyrius A & B58 visite"...I will turn the Darkness before them, into Light;
The rough places, into level ground.
These are the things I will do,
And I will not forsake them..."
- Isaiah 42:16
Syrius.jpgSirius A and Sirius B65 visite"…Nel corso della mia vita ho conosciuto tante persone e con molte di queste, i rapporti sono stati tali da non farmele restare estranee nel ricordo, eppure, non ho memoria di un dispiacere vero e profondo quando mi è giunta notizia che una di queste persone era morta. E' piuttosto la notizia a lasciarmi per qualche attimo pensieroso, non il dolore.
Non posso fare a meno di prendere le distanze dall’idea della Morte come atto distruttivo e conclusivo, che fa piangere la sorte di chi ha perso la sua battaglia con la Vita.
Comprendo il dolore che nasce dalla consapevolezza che un pezzo di noi si è staccato e lasciati per sempre, ma credo che piangiamo in maggior misura la nostra condizione di orfani, le nostre paure, i nostri rimorsi ed il nostro egoismo..."
Giuseppe Spina - "L'Altra Vita"
Syrius_.jpgSyrius105 visite"...Se ogni mille stelle ce ne fosse una con pianeti che ospitano una Civiltà avanzata, allora nel raggio di 50 anni luce dalla Terra (una distanza risibile, ragguagliata alle dimensioni dell'Universo...) dovrebbe esistere almeno una di queste stelle..."
(una conseguenza dell'Equazione di Frank Drake - 1961)
T-Tauri-NOAO-.jpgT Tauri with NGC 1555 and 155455 visite"...Si poema loquens pictura est, pictura tacitum poema esse debet..."
(Rhetor. ad Herennium, 4, 28, 39)
"...Se la poesia è una pittura parlante, allora un dipinto deve essere una tacita poesia..."MareKromium
TAURUS 1.jpgProtoplanet in Taurus - HST126 visite"...Noi andiamo a caccia, spesso, per il piacere di cacciare. Non per procurarci cibo, non per necessità, nè per sopravvivere: cacciamo per diletto, per sfida, per sport.
Esistono delle regole, tuttavia, in questo "sport", ed una di queste dice di non sparare finchè la preda (se alata) non si sia alzata in volo. Non so se è paura o follia ma, ogniqualvolta sono su un aereo e l'aereo, dopo aver ringhiato, si solleva dalla pista, io non posso fare a meno di aspettarmi uno sparo, da un momento all'altro..."
P.C. Floegers - "In the Paradox"
Tachyons-1.jpgHow to contact "Them"? Tachyon Signal (1)122 visiteA Tachyon (or Tachyonic Particle) is a (not very much) hypothetical Particle that always travels faster than Light. Most physicists believe that faster-than-Light Particles cannot exist because they are not consistent with the known (note: so far "known"!) Laws of Physics. If such Particles did exist, and could send signals faster than light, then according to the Theory (note: "Theory"...) of Relativity, they would violate Causality, leading to logical paradoxes, like the "Grandfather Paradox!. Tachyons would also exhibit the unusual property of increasing in speed as their energy decreases, and would require infinite energy to slow down to the speed of Light. No experimental evidence for the existence of such Particles has been found. (note: false!)
In the 1967 paper that coined the term, Gerald Feinberg proposed that Tachyonic Particles could be made from excitations of a Quantum Field with imaginary mass. However, it was soon realized that Feinberg's model did not in fact allow for Superluminal (faster-than-light) speeds. Nevertheless, in modern Physics, the term Tachyon often refers to "imaginary" Mass fields rather than to "faster-than-light Particles".
Such (imaginary...) Fields have come to play a significant role in modern Physics.
The term comes from the Greek, where "tachy" means "fast". The complementary Particle types are called Luxons (which always move at the speed of light) and Bradyons (which always move slower than light); both of these Particle types are known to exist.MareKromium
Tachyons-2.gifHow to contact "Them"? Tachyon Signal (2)210 visite"Causality" is a fundamental Principle of Physics. If Tachyons can transmit information faster than Light then, according to General Relativity, they should violate the Law of Causality, leading to logical Paradoxes of the "kill your own grandfather" type. This is often illustrated with thought experiments such as the "Tachyon Telephone Paradox" or "Logically Pernicious self-Inhibitor."
The problem can be understood (note: really?) in terms of the Relativity of simultaneity in the Special Relativity Theory, which says that different "inertial reference frames" will disagree on whether two events at different locations happened "at the same time" or not, and they can also disagree on the order of the two events (technically, these disagreements occur when the spacetime interval between the events is "space-like", meaning that neither event lies in the future Light Cone of the other). If one of the two events represents the sending of a signal from one location and the second event represents the reception of the same signal at another location, then as long as the signal is moving at the Speed of lLght or slower, the Mathematics of Simultaneity ensures that all reference frames agree that the transmission-event happened before the reception-event.
However, in the case of a hypothetical signal moving faster than light, there would always be some frames in which the signal was received BEFORE it was sent, so that the signal could be said to have moved backward in time.
Because one of the two fundamental postulates of Special Relativity says that the Laws of Physics should work the same way in every Inertial Frame, if it is possible for signals to move backward in time in any one frame, it must be possible (that they move backward) in all frames. This means that if observer "A" sends a signal to observer "B" which moves faster than light in "A'"s frame but backwards in time in "B'"s frame, and then "B" sends a reply which moves faster than light in "B"'s frame but backwards in time in "A"'s frame, it could work out that "A" receives the reply before sending the original signal, challenging Causality in every frame and opening the door to severe Logical Paradoxes.MareKromium
Tachyons-3.gifHow to contact "Them"? Tachyon Signal (3)154 visitePer cui, in chiusura (tre frames dedicati alla "Drake University" (Iowa - USA) ed a qualche Ente di Les Moines - sempre Iowa - USA -, che amano leggerci così tanto), possiamo dire "NON è VERO che (in Teoria) eventuali altre Culture non riusciamo a contattarle e/o non ci hanno mai contattato perché nessuno c'è là fuori o, se c'è, non ascolta"!
Oppure "Loro" ci ritenevano (e ritengono) più "evoluti" di quanto siamo realmente. Se i Messaggi fossero stati inviati da "Loro" mediante Segnali Tachioni, allora non li abbiamo mai ricevuti perché, quando arrivarono, non avevamo i mezzi per captarli. Ed i "nostri" messaggi (impulsi radio) non gli arriveranno MAI in tempi ragionevoli, perché son troppo "lenti".
Soluzione? Per "Loro", inviare Messaggi Tachioni in maniera continuativa (tipo "radio-faro"), se hanno interesse. Per noi, EVOLVERE! Abbiamo menti e mezzi a volontà per arrivare ad un "Segnale Tachione", ma manca - temo - la "Volontà" di arrivarci.
Paura? Altri "interessi"? Problematiche contingenti più "serie"?...Oppure, ragionando per assurdo (espressione che i Matematici adorano...), lo abbiamo già fatto ed un contatto è già stato, in fine, stabilito, nel silenzio totale? Dalla Scienza alla Fantascienza e vice-versa.
Credete e/o pensate quello che Vi piace di più. Qui non troverete MAI risposte (non siamo così arroganti, come gli "Scienziati" di oggi sono, oltre ogni ragionevole limite di accettabilità ed in TUTTI i Campi!). Qui troverete solo spunti e domande, domande, domande...MareKromium
Tachyons-4.jpgTime, Space and Light-Cones95 visiteSimultaneous is not simultaneous. Space and Time do not exist. These, and other strange and wonderful things, are the hallmarks of Einsteins' Theory of Relativity. Something can’t move through Space without moving through Time as well (note: simultaneously!). The Theory of Relativity dispenses with Time and Space, and instead describes a new thing called Spacetime.
Imagine a train moving in a straight line Eastward. We can map its movement through Space, Time or, best of all, Spacetime! With a simple Spacetime graph, we map Space horizontally and Time vertically. In the real World, there are three Dimensions of Space – length, width and height. Thankfully, theere is only one Dimension of Time, and it runs from the Past to the Future (unless you’re looking backwards.) To graph something using all four dimensions is hard, so instead we just take two Dimensions of Space and make a horizontal plane, then map Time vertically.
Now imagine a flash of light. Say you were standing on a hill on a moonless night and turned on a torch for a second. The light would spread out in every direction, lighting first the bushes near by, then later the trees in the distance. If we think about it in just 2 dimensions we can draw it like an expanding circular wave in a pond, maybe caused by a rock we threw inside it. We all did something like that in our life! Now, to get to our case in point, we have to map this "Event" (I call it "splash" because it is easier to imagine than a flash in the night, even though the principle behing them - the Events - are absolutely the same).
Now, if we map Time vertically, and stack the sequential (and increasing in size) "waves", which pile-up one on top of the other, we get a cone whose Summit looks down. The flat area is "our Present" Time (see the upper portion of the imaged picture). Now, let's go back to the Light. A Light Cone is a flash of light moving through Spacetime. Usually people draw it as two Cones: the bottom one is Light collapsing into a single Event, and the top one is it exploding out again. (watch the imaged picture again and very well)
Did you get it?
But "why all this"? Is it really useful to do that? Well, I do not know. Some people think that, in this way, we can better imagine the World. It shows how the Past can influence the Present and the Future. When the Light Cones overlap, it means that two Objects - or Events ! - interact/ed with each other. Every Event in the Universe has an associated Light Cone, so this is a (kind of) mathematical way to represent the Universe, and the basis for lots of complex Physics (such as curved Spacetime, and why simultaneous Events are relative to the observer.)
The Theory of Relativity replaced the absoluteness of Space and Time with the absoluteness of the Speed of Light. However, all that given, I do believe that this "speculation" is very inspirational, but I also - and very humbly - think that something "BIG" is still missing here.MareKromium
The E Dark Nebula.jpgThe Dark "E Nebula"86 visiteSeveral unusual strands of darkness are prominent toward the constellation of Aquila. This particular dark nebula is known as the "E Nebula", for its evocative shape, or B142 and B143, for its position(s) on a list of such nebula compiled by Barnard. The "E Nebula" spans roughly the angle of a full Moon and lies about 2000 Light Years distant. The nebula can be seen with binoculars and is particularly visible during the summer months in Earth's Northern Hemisphere. Other names for dark nebula include absorption nebula, as they efficiently absorb visible light emitted behind them, and molecular clouds, as they frequently attain temperatures low enough so that several different types of stable molecules can exist. The low temperatures of these interstellar clouds facilitate the formation of dense knots of gas that may then collapse into bright stars.
The Egg Nebula.jpgThe "Egg Nebula"88 visite"He makes me lie down in green pastures;
He leads me beside still waters;
He restores my soul.
He leads me in right paths,
For His name's sake".
- Psalm 23:2-3
The Pipe - dark nebula.jpgThe "Pipe" and Antares118 visite"...Io non attribuisco più alcuna importanza ai giardini primaverili in fiore, nè alle scintillanti fontane che alla gioventù piacciono tanto. Io amo solo l'oscurità e le ombre, dove posso essere solo con i miei pensieri..."
(da "Nosferatu" di W. Herzog)
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