BB-Out Of Dust-Planet_s Birth-PIA05988_modest.jpgBirth of a new planet around "Coku-Tau 4"231 visiteIn this artist's conception, a possible newfound planet spins through a clearing in a nearby star's dusty, planet-forming disc. This clearing was detected around the star CoKu Tau 4 by NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope. Astronomers believe that an orbiting massive body, like a planet, may have swept away the star's disc material, leaving a central hole. The possible planet is theorized to be at least as massive as Jupiter; a graceful ring, much like Saturn's, spins high above the planet's cloudy atmosphere.
BH-Black-Hole.jpgComputer simulation of a Black-Hole from start to finish105 visitePlasma is falling slowly toward the black hole in a (at the upper left). The plasma has a magnetic field, shown by the white lines. It picks up speed as it falls toward the hole in b (at the upper right), c (lower left) and d (lower right). However, the rotating black hole twists up space itself (and the magnetic field lines) and ejects electromagnetic power along the north and south poles above the black hole. The red and white color shows the immense electromagnetic power output, which eventually will pick up particles and form squirting jets.
BH-Black-Hole_Torus.jpgBlack-Hole Torus217 visite"...All'interno delle Galassie Attive - e, più precisamente, al loro centro - noi riteniamo (ma sarebbe meglio dire "speculiamo") che possa trovarsi un Buco Nero di massa enorme. Le Galassie Attive più comuni appartengono alla Classe Seyfert (ST) e si dividono in S-T1 ed S-T2: le prime (nello spettro visibile) sono luminosissime mentre le seconde, invece, appaiono piuttosto flebili.
Forse perchè, nelle ST-2, il Buco Nero centrale è circondato da un anello di materia oscura..."
BH-Black-Hole_in_3D.jpgBlack-Hole in 3D137 visiteThis three-dimensional illustration shows how the rotating space around a black hole twists up the magnetic field in the plasma falling toward the black hole. The black sphere at the center of the figure is the black hole itself, and the yellow region around it represents the area where space is being twisted. The red tubes depict magnetic field lines threading this twisting space, while the green ones show magnetic field lines which have not yet entered that space.
BH-BlackHoles-swarm_cxc_labelf.jpgBlack-Hole Systems or Neutron Star Systems near the center of the Milky Way?124 visiteDa "NASA - Astronomy Picture of the Day" del 28 Gennaio 2005:"Monitoring a region around the center of our Galaxy, astronomers have indeed found evidence for a surprisingly large number of variable x-ray sources - likely Black Holes or Neutron Stars in binary star systems - swarming around the Milky Way's own central supermassive Black Hole. Chandra Observatory combined x-ray image data from their monitoring program is shown above, with four variable sources circled and labeled A-D. While four sources may not make a swarm, these all lie within only 3 LY of the central supermassive Black Hole known as Sagittarius A* (the bright source just above C). Their detection implies that a much larger concentration of Black Hole systems is present. Repeated gravitational interactions with other stars are thought to cause the Black Hole systems to spiral inward, toward the Galactic Center Region".
BH-Black_Hole-2.jpgCosmic "Thief"...67 visite"...Venuto dal Sole, o da Terre
Perduto in Novembre o, col vento
Io t'ho amato sempre,
Non t'ho amato mai...
Amore che vieni,
Amore che vai...
Io t'ho amato sempre,
Non t'ho amato mai...
Amore che vieni,
Amore che vai...".
Fabrizio De Andrè - "Amore che vieni, Amore che vai"
BH-Black_Hole-3.jpgThe space around a Black Hole70 visite"...Verus Amor, nullum novit habere modum..."
"...Il vero Amore - per sua stessa definizione e Natura - non conosce misura alcuna..."
BH-Black_Hole-PIA13168.jpgSupermassive Black Hole54 visite"...'All hands on deck, we've run afloat!' I heard the captain cry
explore the ship, replace the cook: let no one leave alive!'
Across the straits, around the horn: how far can sailors fly?
A twisted path, our tortured course, and no one left alive...
We sailed for parts, unknown to man, where ships come home to die
No lofty peak, nor fortress bold, could match our captain's eye
Upon the seventh seasick day we made our port of call
A sand so white, and sea so blue, no mortal place at all...
We fired the gun, and burnt the mast, and rowed from ship to shore
The captain cried, we sailors wept: our tears were tears of joy
Now many moons and many junes have passed since we made land
A salty dog, this seaman's log: your witness my own hand..."
"Salty Dog" (Procol Harum)MareKromium
BH-Black_Hole.jpgLight-Distortion86 visite"...Nella Giungla, la Legge è divorare o essere divorati; nelle città degli uomini, la Legge è definire o essere definiti..."
Thomas Szasz
BH-Black_Hole_Storm-Chandra.jpgEvidence for a "spinning" Black Hole429 visite"...L'Orizzonte dell'Evento (parlando dei Buchi Neri) viene definito come "luogo" o "punto matematico".
In realtà questa definizione è erronea e fuorviante, poichè l'Orizzonte dell'Evento è, comunque, un "punto fisico" dell'universo, matematicamente calcolabile. Possiamo dire che esso rappresenta la linea di demarcazione fra l'Universo che noi vediamo e cerchiamo di spiegare con Leggi Fisiche e Matematiche, e l'Universo del Buco Nero.
Un Universo al quale queste Leggi, probabilmente, non si applicano..."
P.C. Floegers - "In the Paradox"
BIG DIPPER.jpgBig Dipper206 visite"...Secundis nemo confidat; adversis nemo deficiat: alternae sunt vices rerum..."
"...Nessuno confidi (troppo) nella buona sorte (e) nessuno si abbatta (eccessivamente) nelle avversità: (poichè) alterne sono le vicende della vita..."
Barnard-068-2.jpgBarnard 68125 visite"...Oltre un certo limite della Conoscenza c'è soltanto Dio..."
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