From Ashes to Eternity: the Phoenix Mars Mission
PHOE-SOL101-lg_29677.jpgPre-Dawn Lights and Clouds - Sol 101 (original - True Colors; credits: Lunexit)66 visitenessun commentoMareKromium
PHOE-SOL103-MF.JPGMicroscopic Vastitas - Sol 103 (True Colors; credits: Dr M. Faccin)72 visitenessun commentoMareKromium
PHOE-SOL103-PIA11075.jpgAnother "Pointless Point of View"... (natural colors? credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech/University of Arizona/Texas A&M University )75 visiteUn "punto di vista" ricorrente (e cioè già visto e stravisto); un "colore" tanto assurdo quanto improbabile (al punto che neppure la NASA se l'è sentita di definirlo in qualche modo). Un "frame classico", quindi...
Caption NASA:"The informally named "Snow White" trench is the source for the next sample to be acquired by NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander for analysis by the Wet Chemistry Lab.
The Surface Stereo Imager on Phoenix took this shadow-enhanced image of the trench, on the eastern end of Phoenix's work area, on Sol 103, or the 103rd day of the mission, such as Sept. 8, 2008. The trench is about 23 cm (9") wide.
The Wet Chemistry Lab is part of Phoenix's Microscopy, Electrochemistry and Conductivity suite of instruments".MareKromium
PHOE-SOL103-PIA11152-GIF.gifWinds... - Sol 103 (GIF-Movie; credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech/University of Arizona/Texas A&M University )75 visiteNASA's Phoenix Mars Lander's "Telltale" (such as the anemomether) catches a breeze as clouds move over the Landing Site on Sol 103 (such as Sept. 7, 2008), the 103rd Martian day since landing.
Phoenix's Surface Stereo Imager took this series of images during daily Telltale monitoring around 15:00 M.L.T. and captured the clouds moving over the Landing Site.
Phoenix can measure wind speed and direction by imaging the Telltale, which is about about 10 cm (approx. 4") tall. The Telltale was built by the University of Aarhus, Denmark.MareKromium
PHOE-SOL104-PIA11153.jpgVastitas' Dust Devil - Sol 10483 visiteThe vertical post near the left edge of this image is the "Mast" of the Meteorological Station on Phoenix.
The DD visible at the horizon just to the right of the mast is estimated to be 600 to 700 meters (about 2000 to 2300 feet) from Phoenix, and 4 to 5 meters (10 to 13 feet) in diameter.
It is much smaller than DDs that have been observed by NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Spirit much closer to the Equator and it is closer in size to Dust Devils seen from orbit in the Phoenix Landing Region, though still smaller than those.
The image has been enhanced to make the Dust Devil easier to see. MareKromium
PHOE-SOL104-PIA11154.jpgVastitas' Dust Devils - Sol 10475 visiteThe Surface Stereo Imager on NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander caught this DD in action West-South/West of the Lander at 11:16 M.L.T. on Sol 104, such as Sept., 9, 2008.
Dust Devils (a.k.a. "DD") have not been detected in any Phoenix images from earlier in the Mission, but at least 6 were observed in a dozen images taken on Sol 104.
DD are whirlwinds that often occur when the Sun heats the surface of Mars, or some areas on Earth. The warmed surface heats the layer of atmosphere closest to it, and the warm air rises in a whirling motion, stirring dust up from the surface like a miniature tornado. The DD visible in the center of this image just below the horizon is estimated to be about 400 meters (about 1300 feet) from Phoenix, and 4 meters (13 feet) in diameter. It is much smaller than DD that have been observed by NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Spirit much closer to the Equator. It is closer in size to DD seen from orbit in the Phoenix landing region, though still smaller than those.
The image has been enhanced to make the dust devil easier to see.
PHOE-SOL104-PIA11155-GIF.gifLate, once again! - Sol 104 (GIF-Movie; credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech/University of Arizona/Texas A&M University)71 visiteCon quattro giorni di ritardo rispetto alla pubblicazione operata da Lunar Explorer Italia di un filmato GIF prodotto dal Dr Barca e relativo al MEDESIMO fenomeno, anche i nostri Amici di Pasadena hanno pensato di elargirci il loro filmatino che ritrae un Dust Devil mentre passa non lontano dal Phoenix Lander.
La NASA ci legge? Ma certo che ci legge, e noi ne siamo onorati! E comunque sia, vedere che alla NASA arrivano (quantomeno nelle pubblicazioni divulgative) spessissimo - anzi: quasi sempre - DOPO di noi, è comunque una fonte di enorme soddisfazione: umana e professionale.
Ed eccoVi la caption NASA al filmino:"The Surface Stereo Imager on NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander caught this Dust Devil (a.k.a.: "DD" or "DDs", for the plural) in action West of the Lander in four frames shot about 50 seconds apart from each other between 11:53 and 11:56 M.L.T. Sol 104, or the 104th Martian day of the mission - such as Sept. 9, 2008).
DDs have not been detected in any Phoenix images from earlier in the Mission, but at least six were observed in a dozen images taken on Sol 104.
Dust Devils are whirlwinds that often occur when the Sun heats the surface of Mars, or some areas on Earth. The warmed surface heats the layer of atmosphere closest to it, and the warm air rises in a whirling motion, stirring dust up from the surface like a miniature tornado.
The DD visible in this sequence was about 1 Km (about 3300 feet) from the Lander when the first frame was taken, and had moved to about 1700 meters (about 5600 feet) away by the time the last frame was taken about two and a half minutes later. The DD was moving Westward at an estimated speed of 5 meters per second (such as abou 11 mph), which is similar to typical late-morning wind speed and direction indicated by the Telltale Wind Gauge - such as the Anemomether) on Phoenix.
This Dust Devil is about 5 meters (16 feet) in diameter. This is much smaller than DDs that have been observed by NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Spirit much closer to the Equator. It is closer in size to DDs seen from orbit in the Phoenix Landing Region, though still smaller than those..
The image has been enhanced to make the Dust Devil easier to see. Some of the frame-to-frame differences in the appearance of foreground rocks is because each frame was taken through a different color filter". MareKromium
PHOE-SOL104-lg30225-30261-30263-2.jpgVastitas' Horizon - Sol 104 (Superdefinition and natural colors; credits: Dr G. Barca & Lunexit)78 visitenessun commentoMareKromium
PHOE-SOL104-lg30267-30268-30269.gifVastitas' Dust Devils (GIF-Movie by Dr G. Barca)78 visitenessun commentoMareKromium
PHOE-SOL104-lg30267-30268-30269.jpgIcy Patches and White Sky over Vastitas - Sol 104 (Superdefinition and natural colors; credits: Dr G. Barca)62 visitenessun commentoMareKromium
PHOE-SOL104-mf.jpgThe "Trench" - Sol 104 (Visible Light, all channels, + IR; credits: Dr M. Faccin)64 visitenessun commentoMareKromium
PHOE-SOL107-lg31078-31079-31085-2.jpgSolar Panels and Surface - Sol 107 (Superdefinition and natural colors; credits: Dr G. Barca)53 visitenessun commentoMareKromium
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