From Ashes to Eternity: the Phoenix Mars Mission
PHOE-SOL097-PIA11074.jpgDOES "NASA" READ US? - Sol 9754 visite...O forse siamo soltanto "bravi"?!? I "granuli" che il Dr Faccin per primo - e praticamente da subito - aveva notato essere presenti su una delle zampe del Lander, adesso - e SOLO dopo 97 Soles... - sono stati notati anche dalla NASA la quale, pochi giorni dopo una delle nostre usuali pubblicazioni che esprimono dubbi e curiosità, interviene pesantemente su queste features dedicandogli un frame e qualche parola sul Planetary Photojournal.
Coincidenza (l'ennesima)? Causualità (l'ennesima)? Fortuna (si, certo, come no...)? La risposta è ardua. O forse no.
La risposta è semplicissima e, a parere ci chi scrive, potrebbe essere "nascosta" nella nostra stessa "Lista Utenti".
E comunque sia, c'è di che essere fieri!
Caption NASA:"The Robotic Arm Camera on NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander took this image on Sept. 1, 2008, at about 04:00 M.L.T., during the 97th Martian Day, or Sol, since landing.
The view underneath the Lander shows growth of the clumps adhering to leg strut (upper left) compared with what was present when a similar image was taken about three months earlier (see PIA10759).
The view in this Sol 97 image is southward. Illumination is from the early morning Sun above the North-Eastern horizon. This is quite different from the illumination in the Sol 8 image, which was taken in mid-afternoon.
The science team has discussed various possible explanations for these clumps.
One suggestion is that they may have started from a splash of mud if Phoenix's descent engines melted icy soil during the landing.
Another is that specks of salt may have landed on the strut and began attracting atmospheric moisture that freezes and accumulates.
The clumps are concentrated on the north side of the strut, usually in the shade, so their accumulation could be a consequence of the fact that condensation favors colder surfaces.
In this image, compared with the one from three months earlier, the flat, smooth patches of ice exposed underneath the lander seem to be partly covered by darker material left behind as ice vaporizes away.
The flat patch in the center of the image has the informal name "Holy Cow", based on researchers' reaction when they saw the initial image of it".
Nota Lunexit: "Holy Cow", tradotto in Italiano, significa "Caspita!!!"MareKromium
PHOE-SOL097-RC-MF.jpgMelting or Sublimating? - Sol 97 (natural colors; credits: Dr M. Faccin)80 visitenessun commentoMareKromium
PHOE-SOL098-lg26940-26951-26953-2.jpgVastitas' Horizon - Sol 98 (Superdefinition and natural colors; credits: Dr G. Barca & Lunexit)53 visitenessun commentoMareKromium
PHOE-SOL099-PIA11073.jpgPhoenix Conductivity Probe after Extraction - Sol 99 (natural colors; credits: NASA)81 visiteCaption NASA:"NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander inserted the 4 needles of its Thermal and Conductivity Probe into Martian soil during the 98th Sol of the mission and left it in place until Sol 99 (Sept. 4, 2008).
The Surface Stereo Imager on Phoenix took this image on the morning of Sol 99 after the probe was lifted away from the soil. This imaging served as a check of whether soil had stuck to the needles.
The Thermal and Conductivity Probe measures how fast heat and electricity move from one needle to an adjacent one through the soil or air between the needles. Conductivity readings can be indicators about water vapor, water ice and liquid water.
The probe is part of Phoenix's Microscopy, Electrochemistry and Conductivity suite of instruments".MareKromium
PHOE-SOL099-lg27005-27006-27007-2.jpgA "Scoop" of Vastitas - Sol 99 (Superdefinition and enhanced natural colors; credits: Dr G. Barca)84 visitenessun commentoMareKromium
PHOE-SOL099-lg27005-27006-27007.jpgA "Scoop" of Vastitas - Sol 99 (Superdefinition and natural colors; credits: Dr G. Barca)57 visitenessun commentoMareKromium
PHOE-SOL101-GIF-MF.gifCold Sunshine - Sol 101 (GIF-Movie - false colors; credits: Dr M. Faccin)54 visitenessun commentoMareKromium
PHOE-SOL101-MF-LXT.jpgFrosty Rocks - Sol 101 (natural colors; credits: Dr M. Faccin)56 visitenessun commentoMareKromium
PHOE-SOL101-lg29506-29507-29518_copia2.jpgVastitas' Surface, according to Lunexit - Sol 101 (Superdefinition and natural colors; credits: Dr G. Barca)69 visitenessun commentoMareKromium
PHOE-SOL101-lg_29161.jpgCold Sunrise - Sol 101 (natural colors; credits: Lunexit)87 visitenessun commentoMareKromium
PHOE-SOL101-lg_29178.jpgCold Sunrise - Sol 101 (natural colors; credits: Lunexit)68 visitenessun commentoMareKromium
PHOE-SOL101-lg_29677-1.jpgPre-Dawn Lights and Clouds - Sol 101 (stretched - True Colors; credits: Lunexit)69 visitenessun commentoMareKromium
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