Fractures radiating from Stickney Crater
Caption NASA originale:"Viking Orbiter 1 flew within 300 Km of Phobos in May 1977 to obtain this photomosaic. Raw pictures are at the top and computer-enhanced pictures, to show small surface detail, are at the bottom. The Northern Hemisphere of Phobos is visible from about 30° above the Equator (Phobos' orbit plane), with the side of Phobos facing Mars at the lower right. Phobos presents an illuminated area of about 17 Km from top to bottom and 23 Km across. The rim of Stickney, the largest crater on Phobos, is seen at the lower left, with a large network of grooves radiating from it.
A large, 2-km diameter crater with a slumped wall is seen just below the middle of the picture".