Deimos (Natural - but enhanced - Colors; credits: NASA/JPL/Univ. of Arizona)
This second image of Deimos was acquired 5 h. and 35' after the first one; so the Sun was to the upper left in the first (ESP_01265_9000) image and to the right in this second one (ESP_01268_9000). Although the viewing geometry is similar in the two images, surface features appear very different due to the changes in illumination.
Nota Lunexit: il concetto sancito dagli Amici di Pasadena nell'ultima riga (...Although the viewing geometry is similar in the two images, surface features appear very different due to the changes in illumination...) è ASSOLUTAMENTE FONDAMENTALE per la corretta visione, comprensione ed analisi di quanto mostrato da immagini orbitali o, comunque, ottenute da notevoli distanze rispetto al luogo/rilievo osservato.