Today (December, 15th, 2009), the first High-Resolution Global Map of Mercury was made publicly available. Members of the MESSENGER team and experts from the U. S. Geological Survey (USGS) used images from MESSENGER's three Mercury flybys and from the Mariner 10 Mission in 1974-75 to create a Global Mosaic that covers 97,7% of Mercury's Surface at a resolution of 500 meters/pixel (0,31 miles/pixel).
The above image shows the full global Mercury mosaic but at a greatly reduced scale of only 5% of the HR version. The full HR mosaic by can be seen at the USGS Map-a-Planet website.
Date Mercury Fly-By 1: January 14, 2008
Date of Mercury Fly-By 2: October 6, 2008
Date of Mercury Fly-By 3: September 29, 2009
Instrument: Narrow Angle Camera (NAC) of the Mercury Dual Imaging System (MDIS)
Scale: Mercury's diameter is approx. 4880 Km (such as about 3030 miles)