The night-side of Japetus (from 1,6 MKMs)
Caption NASA originale:"Japetus, as it has been already said, is mainly famous for some dramatic contrasts in brightness on its surface: the leading hemisphere is as dark as a freshly-tarred street while the trailing hemisphere and poles are almost as bright as fresh snow. Many impact craters can be seen in the bright terrain and in the transition zone between bright and dark and for the first time in parts of the dark terrain. Also visible is a line of mountains that appear as a string of bright dots (see the color images "Sharp views of Japetus"). These mountains were originally detected in Voyager images and might compete in height with the tallest mountains on Earth, Jupiter's moon Io and possibly even Mars. Further observations will be required to precisely determine their heights. Interestingly, the line of peaks is aligned remarkably close to the equator of Japetus".