Dione (MULTISPECTRUM-2; credits: Lunexit)
Caption NASA:"The bright fractures on Dione's Trailing Side slice across terrain that is darker than the rest of the surface. Cassini scientists are working to understand the nature of the dark material that appears to coat the surfaces of several of Saturn's moons. Only after the Cassini Spacecraft began imaging Dione did they realize that the prominent "streaks" shown here are fractures on the surface.
Lit terrain seen here is on the Saturn-Facing Side of Dione. North is up.
The image was taken in visible light with the Cassini spacecraft narrow-angle camera on May 17, 2008. The view was acquired at a distance of approx. 873.000 Km (such as about 543.000 miles) from Dione and at a Phase Angle of 47°.
Image scale is roughly 5 Km (a little less than 3 miles) per pixel".