Crescent Moons (2)
Caption NASA originale:"Three of Saturn's moons are captured with the Planet in this exquisite family portrait. At top, Saturn is bedecked with the shadows of its innermost rings.
Tethys appears at lower right, closest to Cassini. Janus (181 Km, or about 113 miles across) and Mimas (397 Km, or about 247 miles across) are on the far side of the immense Ringed Planet.
Mimas is just about to slip behind Saturn.
The image was taken in visible light with the Cassini spacecraft narrow-angle camera on March 13, 2006, at a distance of approx. 2,7 MKM (such as about 1,6 MMs) from Saturn. The image scale is about 17 Km (approx. 11 miles) per pixel on Janus and Mimas, and 14 about Km (such as about 9 miles) per pixel on Tethys".